3 JANUARY 1852, Page 5

From Austria we have news and from Prussia surmises of

Mi- nisterial changes. The Austrian Finance Minister Krauss has re- signed ; his enemies say, on account of the growing conviction of his incapacity; his friends, on account of the impossibility of re- pairing the dilapidated condition of the national finances so long as the Government persists in its enormous military expenditure. Hints are also thrown out that the continuance of M. Krauss, whose appointment as Minister dates from the revolutionary (era of 1848, was displeasing to Russia. No successor has been appointed ; his portfolio is held pro tempera by the Minister of Commerce. The Prussian resignation is said to be that of the Mi- nister at War. The reason is not assigned, and the report of his retirement needs confirmation. But it is generally admitted that both in Prussia as in Austria the concord and stability of the Mi- nistry is problematical.