3 JANUARY 1852, Page 6

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THE Queen gave audiences at Windsor Castle, on Monday afternoon, to Baron Brunnow the Russian Minister, and Count Walewski the French Ambassador ; who were introduced to her Majesty by the new Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Earl Granville.

The Queen and Prince Albert came to town on Saturday, made a call with their suite on the Duchess of Gloucester, and returned to Windsor.

The visitors at the Castle have been numerous. The Duchess of Kent calls daily ; Prince Nicholas of Nassau, the Duke of Cambridge, and the Duke and Duchess of Nemours, have been on a visit. Among those who have had the honour of invitations, are Mr. Labouchere, Lord Robert Grosvenor, Lord Edward and Lady Edward Howard, the Marquis of Ormonde, and M. and Madame Van de Weyer.

New 'Year's Day was marked by musical serenades from the mili- tary bands early in the morning, by the distribution under the Queen's own eye of most liberal gifts of food and fuel to upwards of five hundred worthy poor people at noon, and by a classical dramatic concert in the evening. The performance in the evening was that of Mendelssohn's music to the fEdipm of Sophocles as adapted by Mr. Bartholomew. Mr. Bartley and Mr. Bartholomew recited the translated dialogue ; and the music was performed by the Queen's band, strengthened by many emi-

nent performers and a selected chorus. The audience was a party espe- cially invited.