3 JANUARY 1857, Page 13


This inimitable humourist commenced his aeries of lectures on "The Four Georges," at the Marylebone Institution, on Tuesday. To the character of these lectures we adverted when we noticed Mr. Thackeray's visit to the North of this island, .but we may record the marked effect produced by their first delivery before a London audience. Subtile indeed is Mr. Thackeray's humour, scarcely to be appreciated throughout by a multitude unused to the most delicate forms of sarcasm; but the gravity of his purpose carries him triumphantly along.;, and though some of his exquisite details occasionally escape notice the boldness of his views, his uncompromising manner of uttering him own convictions, gradually win over the mass of hearers, who are surprised to find the mine of solid thought couched beneath a surface of irony. The second lecture will be delivered on Tuesday next.