3 JANUARY 1885, Page 22


ITo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The postscript of a correspondent's letter in last week's= issue reminded me of a visit paid some time ago to an Irish Coonty Court. A witness described a man whose skull had suffered as " hurt by the fall of a stick on the top of his head ;"' and the Judge, a very able one, declared, with regard to a man whom he believed inclined to litigation, "If I find him coming here, he'll not get justice from me." Some humour survives amongst the Irish Clergy also. About a year ago I heard a clergyman (on the platform) recite a religions argument with which he had " cut the legs from under the feet of an American infidel." And last week I saw a letter in which another stated, concerning a certain thing, that he was " not disappointed in it, as he had been unable to conceive what it would be like." It is an old story that when a certain Irish Corporation was discussing the propriety of putting gondolas on the city river, an ex-lord mayor threw in the remark that "it would be enough to get a pair and let them breed."—I am, Sir, &c.,

J. W. R. C.