3 JANUARY 1914, Page 11

The second-in-command will be Mr. Frank Wild, who was with

Scott in 1901-4 and with, Sir Ernest Shackleton in 1907-9, besides accompanying the Australian expedition; and a biologist, a physicist, and a geologist will be attached to each ship of the expedition. Of the £50,000 which he estimates to be the minimum needed, Sir Ernest Shackleton is able to count on a substantial proportion already, and is issuing no public appeal ; but it is understood that if his aims are to be fully carried out, further assistance will be desirable and will, we are sure, be forthcoming. Lord Curzon, the President of the Royal Geographical Society, has addressed a letter to Sir Ernest Shackleton expressing his hearty approval of the scheme. We need only add that Sir Ernest Shackleton's own record is the best guarantee that nothing will be wanting in forethought and leadership to enable the expedition to support British prestige in the field of Polar exploration.