3 JANUARY 1920, Page 29

Poland and the Poles. By A. Bruce Boswell. (Methuen. 12s.

6d. net.)—This is a readable and instructive book by a competent authority. Mr. Boswell sketches Polish history

in order to explain the present situation in Poland and on the borders, but he devotes most of the book to an account of Poland as she is, not 113 she was. His chapters on the Polish Co-operative Movement and on the Ukraine are most illumi- nating. The Poles under Prussian rule learned economic method from their masters, and then outrivalled them by racial combination. The author shows that tho Ukraine is in a transitional state. It was Polish for four centuries ; Kosciuszko himself and Mickiewicz were of Ukrainian origin. Then it became Russian and produced two great Russian authors in Gogol and Korolenko. Whether the Ukraine, or Little Russia, has the power or the wish to establish its independence is the problem of the future. The concluding chapter gives a useful sketch of Polish policy during the war, which was very perplexing for Western readers.