3 JANUARY 1931, Page 23


Permit me to address you on a matter of some public importance. I would ask, in view of the ever-increasing number of fatal gas-poisonings, whether the dilution of straight coal-gas with carbon-monoxide is necessary from any point of view. Apart from deaths, there is the continuous inhalation by women in our homes of minute, but deadly, portions of this gas ; emissions taking place every time the gas is lit, and leakage is generally going on at the numerous store taps which are made of cheap, soft material subject to wear in use and to be neglected from lack of knowledge. The poisonous effects are cumulative, and are of a very insidious, penetrating nature. As I understand that not all gas companies dilute their gas in this way, I would ask why should any of them ; and why not prohibit such a deadly poison altogether ?—S.