3 JANUARY 1936, Page 23


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

Sia,—The Spectator has such a reputation for accuracy that I am sure you must regret, as much as I do, your statement that the annual cost to the State of the inclusion of Agricultural workers in the national unemployment scheme will be about 16,000,000.

The actual cost is one-tenth of that amount—see Report of the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee— and I trust that in your next issue you will make sonic reference to the corrected figures.—Yours faithfully, The Athenaeum, Pall Mall, S. W.1. ARTHUR DIGBY BESANT.

[We regret the error, which was due to too trustful an acceptance of the figure given in a daily paper, which slipped in a superfluous "0."—En. The Spectator.]