3 JANUARY 1941, Page 1



Absenteeism ... ... 571, 599 Abyssinia, 2, 50, 78, 105, 134, 189, 298, 334, 361, 413, 490, 518, 542

Aeroplane output ... 334 African campaign, the ... 189, 645 Aircraft construction in America ... 489

Air-training scheme ... 135, 16z Air war, the, 134, 219, 270, 299, 599, 670 Albania America, 25, 27, 106, 134, 162, 190, 242, 269, 297, 334, 361, 438, 462, 489, 519, 542, 597, 599, 622, 669

Anti-fire code, the new ...

Arab aspirations ... 598

Army, the quality of the ... 334 Atlantic, the battle of the ... 362 Australia and Japan ... ... 334, 670

I) Balkans, the, 27, 78, 133, 161, 241,

270, 298, 386 ... 26


. 162

Benghazi ... 27 Bergson, Henri ... ... 107 Billet problems Billet-snatchers -• • 51 Boothby, Mr. Robert

Budget, the ... ... 385

Bulgaria - ... 49, 78, 161, 242, 270 By-election issues ... .• . 491

tANADA, air training in .. 162 1._• Canadian and U.S.A. plan, a 438 Canals, the neglect of ... 190 Children, unevacuated 623 Churchill, Mr., his broadcast ... 162 City churches, the ... 2, 623 Civil Service, the, in war ... 543 Clothes, coupons for, 598; ration Coal production ... 67o Contracts for war supplies ... 163 Crete, fighting in. 542, 57o; the lessons of 621, 67o Czech-Polish co-operation ..• x06

Admiral, oand1111 -I .itler, 133 DANUBE, Germans on 518; his treachery ... 570 Dock labour, State employment of... 243 -UDEN, Mr., his speech at Man- 12 sion House .. ... 598 Education: W.E.A. manifesto, 3; war and post-war education, 107;

educational planning ... ... 519 Eire, bombs on, 27; the situation in, 414; bombs on Dublin ... ••• 599 Eritrea Extravagances

11, ACTORIES, rationalising the... 243 r Family allowances ... ... 647 Finance and humbug Fire-fighting, 79, 135, 363, 543, 647 Food production ... 2, 647 Food supplies, 2, 195; the Services' food ration

France: Vichy negotiations, 1, 78, ro6, 161, 19o, 218; Vichy and the blockade, 27o, 361; food for Vichy France, 298; Marshal Pftain's broadcast, 387; France and the Vichy Government, 414; Darlan and Hitler, 5,8; Darlan's broadcast, 570; Vichy co-opera- tion with Germany, 597; Vichy's

new Ghetto ban ... .•• •• • 645

Freedom to debate ... .• • • • 414 Future world order .. 51

GGERMANY: rumours of action, x; German-Soviet trade agree- ment. 49; German propaganda in the East, 27o; German invasion prospects, 363; Hitler's New Order 622 Giese.... successes in Albania, t; Greek war aims, 26; General Wavell in, 206; withdrawal from Western Thrace, 386; Germans in, 413; Greek Government in Crete, 437; British withdrawal from, 461; the Greek Islands ... 461


11 Hertzog, Gen. •-- 107, 334 He s, Rudolph . ... 517

Holidays for war-workers ... 439 Home defence, a Minister for ... 571 Hoover, Mr., on feeding Europe ... 414 Hospital services ... 51

TNDIA: her part in the war, 218, 1 298; the Viceroy and the Moder- ates, 386; the debate on, 438; Sir George Schuster's-pion 518

Industry, the new call-up in ... 299 Iraq 386, 438, 489, .5t8, 570, 587

Italy 1, 78, 16z ▪ I- AN-POWER and production... 77 ../1 Means test grievance ended ... 463

Mediterranean, action in the 49 Menzies, Mr., in London, 218, 242; and the Australian people, 438; farewell to. 490; his home- coming, 57o; his broadcast ... 646 Metaxas, Genl. . 105 Miners and absenteeism . . ••• 599 ATIONAL Unity . 362, 598

.1 Naval gains and losses ••• 569 Navy, the : scholarships for Dart- Northern Rhodesia, native labour

problems in 19x

II APER shortage, the . 623 • Parachute prerogative

Peace by mediation ... 218 Plymouth, lessons from .. 491

Post-war politics •• 134

Premature planning .. ... 386 Prisoners-of-war, pay of • • 543

Production, partners in ... •• • 647 Propaganda by radio, 162; propa- ganda specialists, 190; our defec- tive propaganda . . ... 622, 640 Public health, the planning of ... 27

Public schools, the future of 491 ADIO-LOCATION......646 H. Railway system, one ... 335 Re-making Britain ... 26 Rent and food .

Reprisals, the policy of ••• 438

" Robin Moor," the ... 645 Roosevelt and Hitler

Rumania . • .• 78, 106 Russia: German-Soviet trade

agreement, 49; and Japan . . 413 Russo-German war . . 669 ABBATH observance " Salazar Day " Shipping situation, the, Singapore ..

Smuts, Gen.

Standard of living, the Sunday theatres ...

Syria 541, 570, 645, 669 U.C.. and Trades Disputes Act 415 1_ Thailand and Indo-China 50, 242 Tobruk, capture of Town and country . . 79, i63 Transport, co-ordination of •-• 387

Turkey 49, 217, 645

TTLSTER and conscription ... 571 Unemployment Unevacuated children WAGES in war-time ... War Damage Bill, the ... 218 War effort ... ... 26 War-time houses ...

War-zone courts ..

Wavell, Gen. Sir Archibald ... 26 West-African air-base, a ...

Willkie, Wendell, Mr. ... Women register, the

,JAPAN, 78, 106, x62., 189, 2t8, 242, - 334, 362, 413, 490, 669 Joyce, James y 5x,

Juvenile crime 272, 647 • ABOUR in shipyards .. 271

I .4 Labour Party, the, and national unity

Leopold, King 646 Libya, the campaign in, 26, 78, to 133, 162; British administration

in, 242; Germans in 414, 461, 490, 645

Losses at sea ...298, 415, 518, 599

... 219, 363

• • • • • 462 79, 298, 415, 518, 519, 599 161, 414, 462


3, 79, 107, 135, 16i, 191, 219, 243, 271, 299, 335, 363, 387, 415, 439, 463, 491, 519, 543, 571, 623.

ARTICLES R.P. Outside London ...

Si Action in the East . . ... 624 "After Crete '... Air, a New Phase in the

Air-and Fire ... 520

Air-power, Balance of ... • • • 249 Air-power Race, the

America : The Arsenal of the De- mocracies, 4; America and the Far -•gast, 31; New Help from Amelica, 56; Lend and Lease, 140; Isolationism's Retreat, 168; American Cross-currents, 197; America Today, 248; Battle of the Atlantic, the, 393; the Bridge of Ships, 444; What to Tell America, 495; President and People

America Decides ... Anglo-Saxon Freedom Arab Vacillations Army, the, and Odd Jobs .. Axis Troubles

I1 ALKAN Chess-board, the .. 192 ) ) Banks: Do Banks Profiteer? .. 306

Battle of America, the .. . 653 Belgian's War-aims, a 169 Bombed Book-trade, the . 33 Budget, the, and Children .. • 469 Building for the Future . xo8 • ABINET, the, and War-aims .. 52 • Canada: Canada's Momentum 7 Carnsew, William, the Diary of 55; II, 86 Century Back, a China as an Ally? .. Christian Social Doctrine Church, the, and the Parish Civil Defence Civil Service Inquest, a I. 547; Command Performance Confidence and Questions .. Conservative Socialism Crisis in France Criticism in Crisis

T'AYS of Crisis .. Deck Passage to India Democratic Education Denmark To-day ...

1,-1NGLISH as Lingua Franca 422 1.-1.0 Evil and God ... • • • 141

Farming, a New Start with 195, 223

-g-IAIR Picture, a 9 14 Family House, the zo

Feed the Hungry Worker .. . 391 Feeding the War Worker ... 57 Fifty Years of Bermondsey ... 675 First Drop Flying for the Fleet 499 368 Food Education France: What to tell France, 275; the Eight Frances . 576 Friend of Lamb, the

GERMANS, Propaganda to 548

Germany: What to Tell 167

God and Evil 112

Grandfather 249 'HESS. Rudolph, the Mystery, 1 11 524; A Note on Hess 604 Hitler Defied Hitler's Gamble .. 671

••• 32 ••• 85 ... 526 • • • 572 • • 164 • • • 442 550 ... 28

... 468 ... 83 ... 170 ... 65z II, 575

• • • 340 • 492 ... 225 ... 136 ... 464

. 416 • • • 59 ... 421 ... 628 ... 271 TNDIA : The Indian Tangle, 419; I India, a Way Out, 467; the Deadlock in India, 523; Passage from India, 577; To My Indian Friends ...

Industrial African, the .. • 304

Isle of Forgotten Men ... 341 Italy: What to Tell Italy 113

TAPAN, Church and State in, 67? t) 198; More and Better Japan- I33, 102 ese?............525 • -• 433 Junior Officer's Pay, the •.• • •. 369 IEGACY, the . ••• • 445 , Lord's in War time ... ... 578 itf ADNESS and Method... .111 Mediterranean War, the Milk, the Price of ... Missing Generation, the ... Mr. F. P. and Mr. B. B. ...

1 ATIONAL Character ... •• • 224 F11 Nazi Socialism ... ••. 497 -sUR Billet Oxford's Balance-sheet • • 342 1 )ATRIOTISM. and Politics ... 272 I Poseidon

Practical War-aims .. ... 139

Public School in War-time, a ... 674

Public Schools and the Future, 84; 11 t; More School Problems .. 276

QUERY .. 142

ESTRAINTS on Parliament ... 651 Rotting Armies Russia and thc New Europe ... 648

61ECURITY Club, a ... 392 Sidelight on Civilisation, a .. 676

Spain and Monarchism ... 367

" Spring is Coming " 220 Stratford: 1641-1941 .• . 498

Straight News .. . 303 Swiss, thc Beleaguered . 470 r is ERROR . I Theatre and People ... • • • 420

.•• 423

Three Score Miles and Ten ... 171 Transit Visa • • 370 Twice Torpedoed . • • • 247

T • LSTER, Defence Force, the

I. Case of the ••• 58 Undirected Youth ... 196 Unfashionable Foods • • • 114

WAR Surveyed, the: the Tasks Surrender, 338; Sea-power in Action, 366: Balkan Risks and Campaign Opens, 274; Eastern Possibilities, 302; the Yugoslav C.heering Signs, 110; Strategy Tells, x38; Balkan Overture, i66; the Threat to Greece, 194; the Spring Campaign, 222; Fog Over the Near East, 246; the Spring Bardia, 30; the Italians in Trouble, 54; Mr-power and sea-power, 82; of 1941, 6; the Capture of Chances, 39o; Danger in the Near East, 418; the Struggle in Greece, 442; the Supreme Test, 466; the Danger in Iraq, 494; Strategy in Politics, 522; Mediterranean Pre- lude, 546; the Lessons of Crete, 574; Crete Post-mortem, 602; the Entry into Syria, 626; Britain Alone, 65o; Germany Turns East 673

Watford Davies 278

War and Post-war .. •• 300

War-time Health Welcome Mr. Wilde What Does It All Mean? .. 605 What to Tell America .. 495 Which New Orde,r? Whom Are We Fighting? Widening Conflict, the Without Comment ... Women in War World, the, and Dockland OUNG Offenders 1 Yugoslavia CONTRIBUTORS AM Correspondent, Our, 85, 249, 603-

Allen, Walter, 6,4-Andrews, A. E. N., 656-Anstey, Edgar, zoo, 227, 251, 279, 395, 424, 447, 472, 500, 528, 551, 580, 6o7, 630, 654, 677-Armitage, John, to--Ashley, Maurice, 316.

BALBUS, 392-Barker, Dr. Ernest, 429, 558-Barry, Canon F. R., 531- Bartlett, Vernon, 625, 649-Bartley,

VIRGINIA Woolf Vitamins, the Nature of • 395

• -. 377

• • • 579 440 ••• 339 ... 305

• • • 471

•• • 544 ... 388

226, 250

• • • 336 • • 34

• 445 . 364

, • • • • • • ViVien, 18o, 658-Bates, H. E., 1, 38, . • • : ;05414012,.31,0, 570.,398. 404, 427, 450, 47.6, 503, 527, 555, 584, 610, 633, 654, 68o, 684-Bell, Adrian, 288-Bell, Ken- neth, 256, 478-Bentley , Nicolas, 20, 115-RetjOILSII, John, 320-Bevan, Dr. Edwyn, 66, 556-Birley, Robert, 586- Blankenstein, M. Van, 496-Blake, Nicholas, 44, 154, 290, 324, 454-Bowen, Elizabeth, 18, 65, 286, 374-Brogan, D. W., 15, 177, 255, 314, 612, 634, 658, 68, -Burns, C. Delisle, 39, 312.

44CANDIDE," 284Carlharn, Erwin D., 56, 140, 168, 248, 393, 444, 526, 653-Cecil, Lord David, 16-Chairman of Quarter Sessions, a, 4.45-Chirgwin, A. M., 304, 682-Church, Richard, 61, 6o6, 682-Clark, Prof. G. N., 231- Cohen, Israel, 549.

DALGLISH, Doris N., 551-De Brouc- kere, Louis, 169-de la Mare, Walter, 343-Derry, Dr. T. K., 15- Dexter, Grant, 7-Dingle, Herbert, 590 -Dobree, Bonamy, 20, 72, 126, 184, 236, 290, 3,8, 348, 354, 588-Dru, Alexander, 318-Duguid, Julian, 534- Duncan-Jones, Very Rev. A. S., 66- Dunsany, Lord, 629.

ELVIN, Rene, 341-Ensor, R. C. K., 15, 452-Eppstein, John, 657.

FAIRFIELD, John, 534, 638-Farrer, Austin, 42-Foley, Bernard, 148, 286, 314, 531. 662-Foot, the Rt. Hon. Isaac, 177-Fosbrooke, Archdeacon, 17o -" Four by - Two," 278-Fyfe, W. Hamilton, 66o.

GLOVER, D. M., 234-Gower, Francis, 92, 122, 350, 590-Gower, Gordon, 369-Greene, Graham, xi, 35, 39, 87,

115, 154, 171, 178, 200, 234, 251, 258, 279, 288, 307, 348, 395, 424, 430, 447, 472, 528, 558, 580, 607, 630, 636, 654, 657, 677-Gretton, G. H., 139--Grig- son, Geoffrey, 68, 172, 453-Guillebaud,

C. W. 370, 480-Gull, E. M., 400, 429, 468-Guthrie, Tyrone, 420.

H. W. H., 206, 375-Hamilton, Mary Agnes, 40-Hampson, John, 404, 454, 51o, 562, 588, 662-Harris, Dr. Rendel, 247-Harris, Wilson, 120, 303, 585-Hawke, E. G., 208, 5o6-Hayek, F. A., 375, 531-Haynes, E. S. P., 124 -Hayward, John, 402-Headmaster, a, 674-Heath, Graham, 59, 370-Herz- felde, Wieland, 528-Hodson, J. L., 39z, 577-Hudson, Denis, it-Hudson, Derek, 225-Humphreys, Emyr, z16, z6,-Hussey, Dyneley, 17, 6o, 88, 94,

116, 172, zoo, 227, 307, 404, 424, 447, 58o, 607, 677-Hyde, Robert, 57. TiNUS, 5, 29, 53, 81, 109, 137, 165, 193, 221, 245, 273, 301, 337, 365, 389, 417, 441, 465, 493, 521, 545, 573, 601, 672-Joad, C. E. M., 112.

KIRICNESS, L. H., 445-Knight, M. K., 421-Kozakiewicz, Stanislaw, 422. T AhICASTER, Osbert, 124, 343-Lewis, ▪ C. Day, 94-Lewis, C. S. 74,- Lidgett, Dr. J. Scott, 675-Lindsay, Kenneth, M.P., 32, 196, 255, 469, 652- Lindsay, Major Martin, '99-Living- stone, Sir Richard, 429-Lloyd, Canon Roger, 225-Lodge, Thomas, 547, 575- LuCas, F. L., 395-Lyon, Hugh, 84, II I -Lyon, Lilian Bowes, 447-Lynelton, Dame Edith, x5o.

MACAULAY, Rose, 374, 394, 504- MacNeice, Louis, 1/6, 143. 152, 172, 307, 343, 371-Mathew, Bishop David, 352-Matthews, Very Rev. W. R., 208-Medical Correspondent, Our, 277 -Micklem, N., ,6-Moore, Arthur W., 419, 467-Mottram, Prof. V. H., 368, 638-Moutet, Gustave, 477-Mozley, Canon J. K., 232.

MAMMA, L. B., 224, 305-Needham,

1 Dr. Joseph, 2,7-Nevins, Allan, 495, 556, 6,1-Norman, Sylva, 376, 480.

OISOLENSKY, Prince Vladimir, 31- O'Brien, Kate, 94, 210, 258, 326, 378, 432, 482, 536, 592, 684-Omman- ney, F. D., 6o5-Orwin, Dr. C. S., 195, 223.

ATON, Prof. H. J.. 50--Peam, A. E., 3o6-Perham, Margery, 34, 93- Pevsner, Prof. Nikolaus, 93, 532-Pilot, a, 499-Piper, John, 6o, 143, 182, 279. 290, 472, 500-Poole, Austin Lane, 635 -Postbridge, Warren, 182-Powell, Robert, 347-Powicke, Prof. F. M., 92, 428-Price, Prof. H. H., 2o6.

RAIME, Kathleen, 6t, 178; 482. 508, 579, 662, 68o-Randall, A. W. G., co8-Rathbone, Eleanor, M.P., 627- Rauschning, Hermann, 524-Read, Her- bert, 284, 586, 613-Richmond, Sir Herbert, 92-Richmond, Mary, 8- Roberts, Michael, 234, 276, 371-Rowse, A. L., 55, 68, 86, 208, 251, 658.

QCHUSTER, Sir George, 523-Schutz,

O Dr. Wilhelm Wolfgang, 479-Scott- James, R. A., 532-Simpson, Evelyn, 249-Sington, Depiek.,• •

Sacheverell, 65-SOWN, :A411:4?, Smith, Janet Adam, 122, 352-Smyth, F. S., 152-Somervell, D. C., 16, 256 - Spaight, J. M., 340-Spanish Corre- spondent, a, 367-Special Correspondent,

a, 443, 6z8-Spender, J. A., 312 Stapleton, John, 451, 636-Stein, Leonard, 453-Strategicus, 6, 30, 54, 82, I to, 138, 166, 194, 222, 246, 256, 274, 302, 338, 366, 390, 400, 418, 442, 451, 466, 494, 504, 522, 546, 574, 586, 6oz, 613, 626, 65o, 657, 673, 68,-Street, A. G., 180, 322- Strong, L. A. G., 40, 70, 150, 210, 350- Sumner, B. H., 480.

TAYLOR, John, 394-Taylor, Donald, " • 58-Thomas, Sir William Beach, 1,4-Thomson, David, 113, 167, 275, 347, 576, 6,z-Toynbce, Lawrence, 306 - Trench, Henry, 324-TschuPPik,

Walter, 604. 395212

NWIN, Stanley, 33.

VERSCHOYLE, Derek, 232, 560- Vogler, Sidney, 423-Vulliamy, C. E., 124, 32o.

WADDINGTON, C. H., 506-Walton, W.

11 H. Murray, 198-Ward, Barbara, 399-Ward, Irene, M.P., 65,-Warner, Oliver, 578--Warner, Rex, 378-Waugh, Arthur, ,7-Wedgwood, C. V., 477, 498-West, Anthony, 56c-Williams, Kenneth, 148, 316, 399-Williams, R. Vaughan, 278-Williams-Ellis, Clough, 93-Willoughby, John, 548-Wilson, Charles H., 02-Winser, David, 395, 55o, 676-Withers, Hartley, 233-Wood- ward, E. L., 342, 471, 579-Wootton, Barbara, 525-Wrench, Sir Evelyn, 197 -Wright, Basil, II, 35, 6t, 88.

RTES, P. Lamartine, 339-York, Y Archbishop of, 83-Young, G. M., 9.


AR.P. services, 397, 450, 554, 582- Abyssinia and Britain, 345, 372- Advertisements, shipping space for, 656-After Caporetto, 229-After Vic- tory, 12, 37, 62, 119-Air-defence Cadet Corps, the, t46-Air-raid thank-offer- ings, 346-Air-raid victims and the purchase-tax, 346-America and the Far East, 63-America's pace, 448-" Am- putees," 584, 610-" Arab Vacilla-

tions," 474-Architecture: " Mr. Piper's Heresies," 118, 147, 175, 204, 230--Author wanted, 397.

B.B.C., the, and The Spectator, 253, 282-B.B.C. bans, 64-B.B.C. Czech broadcasts, 344-B.B.C. news, 530-B.B.C. reporting, 310, 344-Bald world, a, 609-Bayonet in war, the, 309

- Billet snatchers, 89-" Bilious Weekly," the, 228-Birds, 4,000 tons of, 230-" Black Record," 117, 144, 174, 202, 203, 228, 398-Bombing and morale, 502-Bottles, old, a use for, 427, 503-Bricks, a question of, 633-British and Allies' Comforts and Victims of War Fund, 584-British citizenship, 529-Budget, the, and old people, 426- Building for the future, 175.

:GrACKLE Pie," 119, 146, 230-Castle

• -• Howard, 426-Censor, the powers of the, 475-" Christian Civilisation," 581, 610, 631, 656-Christian education, 228, 373, 398-Christian front, a, 37- Christian social doctrine, 117-Church, the, and the parish, 203, 204-City churches, the, 38--Civilian casualties, 12 -Classical premiers, 502, 554-Cockerel quandary, a, 91-Compulsory saving, 372-Confidence-and questions, 554- Conservative socialism, 281, 308, 346- Countrymen, are they unfriendly? 345- " Crete Post-mortem," 633.

44,T1 AILY Worker," the, 119-Davies, Sir 2-• Walford, 308-" Dig for Victory," 64-Diphtheria and prejudice, 448- "Down With Highbrows," 397, 427- Dyer, George, the friend of Lamb, 254, 309, 372, 426.

EDUCATING a Fifth Column, 63,, 655,

678-Education: "Clever but poor," 58,-Education and religion, 64, 89, 146-Education in Scotland, 449- Elgin Marbles, the, 37, 63-English as Lingua Franca, 448-Europe, our task in, 89-Evacuation muddles, 530- Evacuation, selective, 63-Exemptions and wages, 62-Exploiting the Service- man, 554, 609.

FAMILY allowances, 425-Fanning, a new start with, 252, 280, 309, 346- Farming policy, 13-Federal dream, the, 656-" Feed the hungry workers," 425, 449-Feeding the Forces, 344-Feeding- stuffs and poultry, 64-Fiji, 583- Flats for the future, 36-Food for a siege, 608-France: the fall of, 204; Depopu- lating France, 608-Free Trade or Pro- tection? 14.--Fria of Lamb,. a.•

.*4 .426- c.re:as

.-trnize:ogfensive, at • •• : • • : : • • • • • • 6,(1ERMANY After the War," 501, 530,

1,1- 553, 582, 632, 656-Germany as aggressor, 12-Glen Affric in danger, 253-God and evil, 174-Golf-courses and food, 36, 204-" Good Charities," 554, 583-Griggs, F. L., drawings Of, 310.

HALIFAX, Lord, 475, 502- " Harting- ton," 398-Hess and the Duke of Hamilton, 553-History, the reality of, 253-Homes and housing, 9o.

“.7 AM told," 584-India, a plan for, ••• 204-" A Way out in India," 502 -Indian deadlock, the, 63, 90, 117, 146, 175-the Indian settlement, 631-India's aid to Britain, 679-" Inditing a Nation," 553-Is this country Christian? 373, 396-" It," 38-Italy, a generous peace with, 144-Italy, propaganda for, 145.

JAPAN'S ambition, 90-" Jules Verne," ,3-Junior officers' pay, 427, 473, 529.

LEIBNIZ on bombs, 530-Letter, a, and its sequel, ,13-Life not lived, a, 12 -Life under a tyranny, 63, 91, 145, 174, 202, 228-Livingstone and the people, 64-London, the new great fire of, 38- Looters within the law, 655-Lords in war-time, 609, 656-Lothian, Lord, 13.

1UT AN•POWER problem, the 554-Masa- -LT1 cation, virtues of, 555--Milk, the price of, 372-Missing generation, the, 28o--Modern language attitude, the, 655-Monarchy or democracy, 907,• " Muddle, Mess and Make-believe, 680-Munitions, the trade in, 678.

NAPOLEONIC memory, a, 373- -LI Naturalised, the rights of the, 529- Naval chief, a, 427-New lettre de cachet, the, 345, 372, 397-New Order, which?Syrup,"47248o, 308-" No Soothing Syrup, OCCUPATION, " None," 475-Organisa- tion or chaos, 583-Oxford Group, the, 309- PAPER-SHORTAGE, 346-Parish council, the, 426, 476-Parliament : Our hysterical Commons, 552, 582, 6o8; Con- fidence and Questions, 554; Parliament and people, 554-Peziza Coccinea, 14- Eanning as treason, 476-Poetry in war, 91-Potatoes, too many? 426- Prisoners of War, Napoleon's, 345- Progress and the poor, 62, 89-Propa- ganda and salesmanship, 229-Propa- ganda to Germans, 608-Psychological error, a? 632-Public schools and the future, 146, 173, 203, 228, 309.

QUESTION for critics, a, 632, 656, 678 -" Quod Scripsi," 281.

RADIO suggestion, a, 476-Railway dis- comfort, 373, 427-Rationalism, the meaning of, 584-Rationing, 503- Reading in the black-out, 91-" Rebels and eccentrics," 91-Re-building 36-Religion in schools, 173-Rilke, Miss Butler on, 503-Rome: should it be bombed? 119-Rural salvage, 13.

(a.SAD History, a," 502, 530, 555- " Security club, a," 448-Shake- speare, wanted, 5o3-Shelter-culture, 398-Sherbome deportee, a, 146, 176- Shops, 503-" Sick Heart River," 476- Sir Walford Davies's creed, 308-Silesia, terror in, 553-Soldiers' wives and raids, x IS-Spain and monarchism, 426, 449-Starlings' ravages, 64-Straight news, 344, 372, 396, 449-Sunday ob- servance, 396, 425, 448, 473, 474, 53o, 553-" Suppressio Veri," 45o.

TN.T. workers, 373, 502-" Three Score Miles and Ten," 282-Trades Disputes Act, the, 449.

UD.F., the case of the, 118, 145. 176- Ulster, politics in, 450-Undirected youth, 253-Unequal sacrifice, 529, 582, 6o8-Unknown sailor, the, 552.

A.D. grievance, a, 475-Venison V sausage, 230.

WAR aims, 89-War-time sport, 68o- Wavell, General, 253, 282, 309- " What does it all mean? " 65s-" Whom are we fighting? " 581--" Widows " who cannot re-marry, 631-Wild aspara- gus, 555-Wild Daphne. 373-Wisdom from Bismarck, 3o8-Women on the land, 655-World State, a, 89-Wyke- hamist deportee, 38.

votnt0 offenders, 474, 501, 529, 552, 583, 632.


A.B.CA . 47-Abercrombie, R. G., 554 A -Abyssinia Association, 372-Act- ing Corporal-Unpaid, 529-Adamec, Vincent, 344-Aircraftman 1st Class, 554

• -Allen, Geoffrey, 203-Allott, Ken- ! neth, 14-Anand, D. M., 90-Andrew, : T. D., 173. BAILEY, Dr. J. H. Shackleton, 12, 474,

609-Barton, H. J., 425-Bates, H. E., 146-Beales, A. C. F., 37-Bedford, Duke of, 63, 145, 229-Beesly, Alfred, 309, 346-Bell, A. K., 253-Benham, Stanley, J., 38-Bennett, G., 530- Bennett, G. F., 346-Bennett, M. R., 426-Bennett, Sir Norman, a75-Berry, H., 64-Bevan, Dr. Edwyn, 144-Biggs, Mary, C., 610-Bird, Edmund S., 68o - Blakeney, E. H., 609-Bowles, Geot- freY, 345-Bradley, R. M., 448-Bray, Ruth H. F., 553-Bridge, Lilian F., 529

- Brooke, Joan, 474, 655-Buller, E. Amy, 117-Burdon-Muller, R., 373.

CANDEL, 146-Carson, James

50,, 632-Carswell, Catherine, 530 - Carter, P. H., 280-Casey, W. J., 252 -Chambers, P. Franklin, 308-Chis- holm, D. S., 555-Cholmondeley, L. B., 90-Clark, E. Dudley, 655-Clark, H. J. 1,8-Clark, Lyon, 36-Codd, Reginald T., 474-Coggin, F. L., 552-Collins, H. P., 398-Comfort, Alex., 678- Connolly, Cyril, 282-Controller of Sal- vage, 503-Countrywoman, 503- Craster, J. E. E., 89-Craven, Cicely M., 501-Crick, Walter, 631-Cripps, A. R., 37, 553-Crofts, John W., '17-Crom- well, Peter, 229-Crook, W. M., 280- Curell, W. B., 13, 554.

DAKERS, F. L., 373-Dale, Capt.

A. B., 633-Darman, J. Trevor, 36 -Darling, Preb. E. Moore, 426-Davis, R. H., 474-Davis, It Kennard, 581- Dawson, D. W. H., soi, 582-Denholm, Robert J., 398-Devon, John, 552- Dobree, Bonamy, 655-Dover, Bishop of, 679-Douglas, Keith, 656.

E AGAR, W. M., 13, 555-Easterbrook, L. F., 204-Eden, W. A., 36-Ein- stein, Lewis, 145-Elder, Hugh, 309- Elton, Lord, 397-Elwell-Sutton, L. P., 282-Emendator, 173-England, Canon Herbert, 28o-Ensor, R. C. K., 502- Ervine, St. John, 253, 608-Etheridge,

E. S., 427-Evershed, Raymond, 609- Ex Aede Christi, 475.

FAULKNER, M. E., 12-Field, Prof. G. C., 1,8-Fisher, James, 230-Fuller, A. G., 449-Fyfe, Hamilton, 64, 281- tIARDINER, Arthur It L., 396-Gar- rett, John, 173-Garwood, H. P., 204, 372-Gere, J. A., 175, 230-Gibbs- Smith, Joan, 476-Goldie, Noel, 63- Gordon, Maj. I.D.S., 427, 583, 656- Gour, Sir Hari Singh, 63i, 679-Govan, M., 450-Grace, Rev. H. M., 203- Greig, Sir Robert, 252-Grierson, Sir Herbert, 473-Gullick, Donald, 656.

HALL, Sir Daniel, 252-Harris, Anne, 584-Harrison, Agatha, 117- Harrisson, Tom, 90, 396-Hart, Capt.

B. H. Liddell, 281-Hart, W., 64- Harvey, Prof. J. W., 74, • 91-Hawtin, H. E., 633-Hayek, Prof. F. A, 174.- Head Warden, 583-Heap, W. H., 396- Herbert, A. P., 228-Hickey, G. M. V., 553-Hicks, Kathleen, 530, 555-Hill, Prof. ry. V., M.P., 449, 476-Hodson, J. L., 552, 6o8-Holbourn, A. N. S., 502-Holland, J. W. T., 346-Holliday, L. G., 373-Howell, W. B., 91-Hub- bard, G. E., 173-Hudson, Derek, 309, 426-Humber, Wm., 13-Hyarason, Albert, M., 62.

TNGLIS, Susan, 38-Inwood, F. W., 6o9, 680.

TACK, J. S. M., 346-Jacks, M. L., 228-Jackson, C. M., 398-Jackson,

G. F. Stanley, 230-Janes, H. S., 91- Janus, 584-Johnston, Rev. James B., 6z-Jordan, Robert, 553-Judd, H. G., 503.

KBALI', Sir Herbert, 63-Keevil, Surg.-Com. J. J., 583-Kelly, Rev. Bernard, 91-Kenward, H. L., 503- Kettle, Chas. J., 91-Kidd, Ronald, 450

- Klaiber, Hugh, 553.

T ANGDON-BROWN, Sr Walter, 503-

Laski, F., 373-Le.insterrnan, 398- Leon, P., 309-Leslie, Shane, 397- "Liberty," 475-Lldgett, Dr. J. Scott, 373-Litten, Irmgard, stone, Sir Richard, 502-Lloyd, Canon Roger, 204-Lost, L., 583-Lodge, W. M., 656-Lucas, N. B. C., 146-Lys, F. J., 14.

M., S., Pte., 582-Macaulay, Rose, 427, 448-MaCDOMOtt, J. C., 145- McEwen, J. H. F., M.P., 37, '19-- Macnaughton, Donald A., 582-McRae, Kathleen M., z54-Madge, Rev. Philip, 4.25-Malleson, J. P., 6,0-Marsh, D. R., 228-Marshall, Rev. L. H., 274- Martin, John, M.P., 89-Martin, Sir Robert, 89-Marvin, E. M. D., 449- Meares, J. W., 9o-Miles, Ignotus, 473 -Minehead, Erwin, 2oz-Monks, R. W., 173-Montgoatery, M. G., 178- Morris, H. Milner, 474-Morris, T. C.. 554-Moss, Sir George S., 9o-Mozley, Canon J. K., 38-Mulray, John, 530- Munro, Sir David, soz-Munro, Evelyn, 37-Muntz, A. Irving, 13- Myers, Lt.-Col., A. E. C., 64. Nmama, Prof. L. B., I2-Neill, H. Vic- tor, 372-Noble, George, 609-Nor- folk East, 425-Norris, Arthur H., 529- Northbrook, Lord, 64-Northcott, Cecil, 64-Nutter, T. Bernard, 254, 372.

OPERATIVE'S Wife, 6t38-Orwel, George, 309-Ostoja, Dr. Marian, 553, 632-Outis, 396--Ozanne, Arthur G., 656.

DALMER, Herbert, 91-Parke, Ernest,

37-Parker, Alwyn, 144-Parkin, B. T., 252-Pawsey, R. F., 426-Pear- son, T. E., 587-Pease, Arthur Stanley, 554-Pease, Sir Edward, 62, 344-Pease, E. H., 147-Philip, Jane C., 449-Physi- sian, a, 344-Picton-Tubervill, Beatrice, 89-Pike, E. Royston, 89-Piper, John, 147-Porter, H. Harold, 175-Poynter, J. W., 476, 584- Rlrit, Lady, 37-Reade, R. St. John, 397, 583-" Refugee," 202-Roach, J. 0., 655-Robbins, Gordon, 280- Roberts, Michael, 678-Roberts, P. E., 62-Robinson, Herbert C., 310, 345, 372, 474-Rodenhurst, Leo, 554-Rogers, Arthur, 397-Rogers, Mary F. C., 89- Rosenberg, Hans, 202-Royden, Dr. Maude, 746, 529-Rupp, Rev. E. G., 396-Rust, William, 119.

Q H. M., 476-Sanders, Rev. H. " Martyn, 175, 344-Scholes, Percy, 553-Scott, Basset, 425-Scott, Mar- garita, 3o8-Scott, J. W. Robertson, 476 -Scott, W., 4z6-Seeley, F. E., 554-

" Sergeant-Dispenser, ' 475-Shanks, Edward, 370-Sharp, Elsie, 502-Sharp, Mary, 587-Shaw, P. A., 473-Shearn, H. E., 503-Silverman, D., 63r- Skwarczynski, Paul, 02-Slater, S. H., 502-Sloan, E. B. V., 23c-Smart, R. B., 678-Solomon, L., 173-Stein, Leonard, 448-Storr, M., 345, 530-Strange, D. M.. 450-Synge, Dinah, M. B., 427.

TANSLEY, Prof. A. G., 174-Taylor, A. C., 253-Taylor, Donald, 776- Taylor, J. H., 474-Taylor-Dyson, Ethel M., 530-Thomas, Sir W. Beach, 679- Thomson, G. W. R., 583-Townshend, W. Tower, 427.

DUNG, G. M., 2133, 656-Young, R. Fitz-Gibbon, 530-Yogall, H. W., 776.

Z E1TLIN, Leon, 12.

BOOK REVIEWS .A.S.F.-Charles Gardner .. 232 i A.R.P. and Al That-C. Kent Activity, the, of God-A. A. David Aeschylus and Athens-George African Tropical Territories-Sir Alan Pim ... ... 93 Air Strategy-Capt. N. Macmillan 657 Ambassador Dodd's Diary ... • • • 347 America Our Ally-H. N. Brails- ford . 75 Angler and the Trout, the-Huish Edye 512 Another Part of the Forest-G. B.

Stern 592 Assam Adventure-F. Kingdon Ward 152 Australia Visited, 7940 - Noel 558 Autobiography-Eric Gill . 39 AINES, Thomas, of King's Lynn-J. P. R. Wallis . . Baker's Dozen, a-Llewelyn Powys Barrie, Sir James: the Story of J. M. B.-Denis Mackall Basic English, the New Testament


Beast from the Abyss, the-Her- man Rauschning Behaviour of Animals, the-Mor- ley Roberts ...

Behind the Lines-A. A. Milne._ 20 Benes-Edward F. Hitchcock . 21 Bessborough, Lady and Her Family Circle - Lord Bess-


Bid Time Return-Margaret Fer- Birth and Death of the Sun- George Gamow ...

Blockade and Jungle-Nis Kock ... 210 Blunden, Edmund, Poems, 1930- 1940 1711

UNWIN, Stanley, 344, 448. WAINWRIGHT, John H., 426-Walker, v1' Edith R., 776-Walton, Geoffrey, 38 -Walton, W. H. Murray, 63-Ware, Maj.-Gen. Sir Fabian, 397-Warring- ton, Bishop of, 175-Watson, Angus, 308, 678-"Welfare," 78-Wells, W. A., 14-Wiener, P. F., 144, 228, 637-Wil- kinson, G. H., 346-Williams, Dorian, 63z, 679-Williams-Ellis, Amabei, 63- Wil liams-Ellis , Clough, 708, 204-

Hugh Ross, 373-Willog, \V. A., 656-Wilmot, D., 679-Wilson, P. W., 779-Wilson, William E., 344_

AWinder, George, 28o, 372, 633-Wors- Icy, Herbert, 282, 344. V' .Y.Z., 146.

20 66 558

256 686 374 504 347 506




Bomber's Moon-Negley Farson 178 Britain and Europe, 7900-5940- Douglas Jerrold . . ... 592 British Calendar Customs, Vol. III... 512 British Constitution, the-Donald Cowie ...

British Constitution, the-W. Ivor Jennings .. ... 686 British Empire, Ideas and Ideals of the-Ernest Barker ... ... 556 British Sport-Eric Parker . 447 British Strategy-Ad. Sir H. Rich- mond••• . .• • ••• 400 British Working-class Politics, 1832- 1914-G. D. H. Cole ... ... 312 Briton and Turk-Philip Graves ... 316

(CAMBRIDGE-John Steegman . 65 Cambridge Economic History

of Europe, Vol. I . . • • • 634 Camden Miscellany, Vol. XVII . . 756 Campden, Engravings - F. L.

Griggs ... 288 Can Britain be Invaded?-" Stra- tegicus " . . . . 208 Canada : America's Prob!em-John Canada, Oxford Pamphets on ... 660 Caricature-ed. Elizabeth Senior 290 Carznina Gadelica, Vol. III-ed.

Alexander Carmichael .. 122 Century of Science, the, 1840-1940 -F. Sherwood Taylor . 18o Chiltern Country-H. J. Massing- ham China's Struggle with the Dicta-

tors-O. M. Green . . • • 400 Churchill, Winston, Concerning- Sir George Arthur

Churchill, Winston-War Speeches 177 Chronology of Failure-Hamilton Fish Armstrong . . . 531 Circus Has No Home, the- Rupert Croft-Cooke . • .• 234 Consider the Lilies-S. ICierke- gaard 378 Corn Country-C. Henry Warren .. 233 Cox, Sir Percy, the Life of-Philip Cromwell, Oliver, Letters and Speeches .. 376 Curiosities of Town and Country- side-Edmund Vale .. 594 Current of War-Liddell Hart . . 256

IIEFEATING the Bomber-H. Y E. Wimperis 586 Democracy's Last Baffle-Francis

Democratic Order, the, Pamphlets Diaghilev-Serge Lifar 17 Diaghilev Ballet, the, in London- Cyril W. Beaumont . . . r7 Diplomacy and God-George Glas-

gow 658 Doctor and His Patients, the-

Arthur E. Hertzler ... 616 Dodd, William E., Diary of ... 347 Drama-Desmond MacCarthy ... 18 Drawing from Life-Eric Gill 22 Durham Company-Una Pope- Hennessy .

I41 ASTERN Marchlands of I Europe-H. G. Wanklyn 664 Economic Warfare, 7939-1940-- Paul Einzig

Education, the Future in-Sir Richard Livingstone ... ... 586 Emerson, the Living Thoughts of... 255 England, Report on-Ralph Inger- England's Hour-Vera Brittain 178 English Church, the-Cecilia M. Ady English Lakeland-Doreen Wallace 727 English Music-W. J. Turner • 477 English Poets, the-Lord David Cecil Enquiry Into Meaning and Truth, an-Bertrand Russell . ... 75o Estonia-J. Hampden Jackson ... 562 European Spring-Clare Booth . 286 Evening Tattoo - Brig.-Gen.

A. F. U. Green .. . 456 Evolution of the Tank, the-Rear Ad. Sir Murray Sorter......451

-1 • ABLES for Our Time-James .14 Thurber . 124 Faith, a, to Fight for-John Strachey . . • • • . . 177 Faith for Living-Lewis Mumford. . 208 Faith in Dark Ages-F. R. Barry ... 77 Farewell, France!-Oscar Paul .•• 148

Federalism, Pamphlets on .. 284 Fifteen Poets . 756 Fight for Narvik, the-Karol Zbyszewski and Josef Natanson 210 Five and Ten-John K. Winkler ... 588 Food, the Politics of-George Dar- ling 638 Foreign Devils in the Flowery Kingdom-Carl Crow ... 429 Foreign Policy, Facing the Facts in -Algernon Cecil ... • .. 478 Forever Freedom--ed. J. C. Wedg- wood and Allan Nevins 727 Forward March, the-Sir Richard Foundation of Victory - Lord Davies .. . • ... • •• 354 Frederick the Great-Pierre Gaxotte 477 Frere, Walter Howard, Collected Friend of France, a-Ian E. Blade... 662 From Cabin-boy to Archbishop- ALLANT Little " C.ampeador," lir the-Cecil Hunt George V, a Personal Memoir- John Gore German Literature Through Nazi Eyes-H. G. Atkins ... 508 German Mentality, the-Verrina... 434 German Odyssey-Otto Zarek • 451 German versus Hun-C. Brinitzer and B. Grossbard Germany, What to Do With-T. H. Minshall Gestapo Defied, the-Martin Nie- Giangalearzo, Visconti-D. M.

Buono de Mesquite ... 256 Golden Treasury of Scottish Poetry, the-ed. Hugh MacDiarrnid .. 122 Government of Britain, the-G. M.

Young ... •• • 477 Great Experiment, a-Viscount

Cecil 720 Guide to the New World-H. G.

Wells 604 1ABSBURG Monarchy, 1815- 1 1918-A. J. P. Taylor . 402 Half My Days and Nights-Hubert Nicholson . . 348 Halifax, Lord-Stuart Hodgson ... 452 Haunted England-Christina Hole 5t2 Hell Came to London-Basil Woon 238 Herbert, George, Works of-ed.

F. E. Hutchinson . 402 History as the Story of Liberty- Benedetto Croce . . 284 History in My Time-Otto Strasser 611 Hitler's " New Order " in Europe

-Paul Einzig . . . 375 Horace, Juvenal and Montaigne, Translations from--R. C. Trevel- yen

Horace, Odes of--tr. Ed. Marsh . . 378 How to Read a Book-Mortimer J. Adler Humanism in England-R. Weiss... 658 Hume, David, the Philosophy of- Norman Kemp Smith . 206

1. DO Not Think So-J. B. Morton 20 1 I Heard a Voice-F. R. Barry... 77 I Saw the Siege of Warsaw-Alex-

ander Polonius . . .. 594 I Was Himmler's Aunt-C. R. Robertson-Glasgow I Was Lucky to Escape 40 I Went to Tristan-Alan B. Craw- ford Ideas and Ideals of the British Empire-Ernest Barker ... . . 556 If I Laugh-Rupert Downing ... 40 In Defence of Hanslick-Stewart Dees In Napoleonic Days--ed. H.R.H.

the Princess Beatrice . 658 In Search of Complications- Eugene de Savitsch 348 In the Mill-John Masefield 681 India at War-Sir George Dunbar 434 Indian Harvest-Pamela Hinkson 563 Inquest-S. Ingleby Oddie 290 Inside the Department of State- Bertram D. Hulen Inside Italy-C. M. Franzero 399 Invasion of Britain, the-Ad. Sir Herbert Richmond . 673 It Was Good While It Lasted- Henry Longhu rat........380 Italy in Africa-Christopher Hollis 399 1"'ACCUSE-Andre Simone ... 374

gl Jacobean and Caroline Stage,

the-Gerald Eades Bentley .. 588 Jacobean Journal, a-G. B. Harri- son Jefferson, Thomas, the Living Thoughts of . 253 Jesuits, the Origin of the-James loyce, James-Herbert Gorman 286 Judgment Reserved-Sir Henry Slesser . . 590 Jupiter Laughs-A. J. Cronin ... 56o 1:EATS-Betty Askwith 480

n. Kingdom of God, the-C. A.

Alington .. 66 King's Messenger, 19 t 8-t 9413- George P. Antrobus . 616 Kitchen Front Recipes-Ambrose Heath .. 380 AND of St. Joan, the-Owen la Rutter . • • • • Land Truant-Crichton Porteous... 42 Laughter Parade-ed. Anthony Armstrong 20 Left-Wing Democracy in the English Civil War-D. W. Pete- gorsky Leninism-Joseph Stalin Leopardi, Translations from-R. C. Trevelyan . 662 Lion and the Unicorn, the-George Loeb Classical Library ... 756 London Family Between the Wars, a-M. Vivian Hughes . .. 22 London, the Lesson of-Ritchie London, the Streets of-Thomas Londoners, the-James Parish ... 506 536 68 96 Lothian Lord, American Speeches Lottie Dundass-Enid Balenold g■ AD Dogs Englishmen-


Man on My Back, the-Eric Link- later Margery Kemp, the Book of-ed. S. B. Meech McCormack, John--L. - A. G.

Memoirs of a Fighting Life--J. C Wedgwood . . 206 Militant in Earth-Edward Rochie Hardy ... _ My Sister and I-Dirk van der Heide .. - . ... 657 My Uncle Frank-Thomas Bodkin 456 ATIONAL Gallery, More De- . 11 tails from Pictures in .. 182 Nature of Modern Warfare, the- Capt. Cyril Falls........504 Nazi Germany, the Social Policy of -C. W. Guillebatui . 375 New Writing in Europe -John Lehmann ... ... 65 New Year Letter-W. H. Auden .. 611 Night is Long, the--S. G. Millin •• • 664 Nine Days Wonder, the-John Masefield 350 No Other Caesar- -Felix Grendon . 406 Noble Castle-Christopher Hollis... 556 Norncy Rough---Phyllis Nicholson... 404 Norway, I Saw It Happen In- Carl J. Hambro 75 Notebook in Wartime-Lord Elton... 374

kLD England - -Comte Henri de Vihraye On Circuit, 1924-1937-Sir Frank

Douglas Mackinnon . • •• 124 Our Ocean Lifeline-Comdr.

D. S. B. Thompson . ... 586 Out of the Night--Jan Valtin 585 Outline of Money, an-Geoffrey Crowther . ... 233 1 )ATTERN in Black and White- 1 Eileen Bigland 96 Persecution of Catholic Church in Third Reich Picture of Life, a--Viscount Mersey 380 PiO7ri, Hester Lynch-James L.

Clifford . . . 320 Pitt, Wm., War Speeches of Planning the War•-Lt.-Col. Clive Garsia . . 68,

Plays 70

Poetry 68, 127. 179, 352, 508, 662 Poetry and the Modern World- David Daiches . 482 Police Principles and the Problem of War-Charles Reith . . 39 Political Liberty-A. J. Carlyle .. 612 Portraits of Christ-ed. Elizabeth Senior . 290 Post D.-John Strachey ... 348 Prehistoric England - Grahame

Clark 124 Preparation of Peace, the-Lau-

rence Housman . . 429 Prophet at Home, a-Douglas Reed 375 .A.F. e an in Action, the 232 of Things Past


-Marcel Proust ... 634 Report on England-Ralph Inger- Return via Dunkirk-" Gun Bus- ter " Rilke, Rainer Maria-E. M. Butler 457 Rilke, Rainer Maria. Selected Ritzkreig-Michael Harsley Road to Bordeaux, the-C. D. Free- man and D. Cooper . . 21 Russia-Bernard Pares ... 92 ASSOON Dynasty, the-Cecil

1---1 Roth . . . 452

Scorched Earth-Edgar Snow • • • 400 Sea of Destiny-H. Dyson Carter 92 Seven Mysteries of Europe-Jules Romaine 504 September, 1939 - Dominick Wegierski ... 150 Serial Map Service . 786 Shakespeare-Mark van Doren 318 Shaw, Richard Norman-Sir R.

Blomfield . 320 Shelter Book, the-ed. Clemente Dane Silent Traveller, the, in the York- shire Dales-Chiang Yee 406 Social Aspects of Crime in England -Hermann Mannheim ... 15 Social Relations of Science, the- J. G. Crowther ... 531 Soil and Sense-Michael Graham 322 Sophocles, the Antigone-tr. Gilbert South-West Persia-Sir Arnold Squadrons Up!-Noel Monks ... 232 Staff Officer, the Diary of 406 Stamps, the Empire on-Patrick Hamilton .. . 324 Steps of Humility, the-Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux 478 Story of a Norfolk Farm, the- Henry Williamson Sweet Thames Run Softly-Robert Gibbings 56

l'ANK, the Evolution of the-

1 Rear-Ad. Sir M. Soccer ... 451 Taxation, the, of War Wealth- J. R. Hicks 376 Their Finest Hour-ed. A. A.

Michie-W. Graebner . . 40 Things Mortal-Sir F. O'Connor ... 96 This Sceptred Isle-G. Wilson Knight .. ..• 348 Through the Dark Night-James Lonsdale Hodson ... . . . 40 Tide of Fortune, the-Stefan Zweig too

Tinned Soldier-Alec Dixon . . 210 Town and Country Tomorrow- Geoffrey Boumphrey

Trade Unions Fight-For What?-

Herbert Tracey ... ... 40 Truth on the Tragedy of France- Elie J. Bois 148

.S.A.-D. W. Brogan......182 Ukraine, the-W. E. D. Allen 480 Ullathorne, Bishop-Autobiography 352 Under Fire-A. M. Chirgwin 531 Union With Britain Now-Clarence K. Streit z Uniqueness of N;Ur • the-Julian Huxley . 231 Unusual Vegetables .. 238

VATICAN, the, and War in

Europe-Denis Gwynn .. 657 Vermeer, Jan, the Paintings of 532

ALtiodeayn Island, the-R. M.

We Were Not All Wrong-

Geoffrey Mander . . 456 Wessex Wins-A. G. Street . 288 What! No Morning Tea?- Anthony Cotterell White Cliffs, the-Alice Duer Miller White Water and Black Magic-- Richard C. Gill ...

Who Are the Americans?- William Dwight Witney 430 Who is to Pay for the War?- Douglas Jay ... 480 Why Another World War?-G. G.

Armstrong .. 686 Why France Fell-Andre Maurois. 122 Why Women Wear Clothes-C.

Willett Cunnington 536 Wings of Victory-Ivor Halstead 232 Witchcraft-Wm. Seabrook 382 Witchcraft-Charles Williams 428 With the Foreign Legion at Narvik

-Pierre 0. Lapie ... 236 Women at Work-Mary Agnes

Hamilton .. . .

Woolworth, F. W., Life of . . 588 Words for Music-V. C. Clinton 594 Wounded Don't Cry, the-Quentin Reynolds .. . . . 5o6 EARS of Content, ,858-1886-

1 Sir George Leveson Gower .. 17 Yeats, W. B., Some Memories of-

John Musefield . 152 Yeats, the Poetry of-Louis

MacNeice 234 You Have Been Listening To-

Comdr. A. B. Campbell ... too FICTION DVENTURES of Gilead a I. Skaggs--James E. Baum ... 258

Aerodrome, the-Rex Warner 404

Alf's New Button-W. A. Darling-


Angelic Romance-Helen Douglas Irvine . . 684 Angels on Toast-Dawn Powell . 562 Anne Domini 32-Paul Hervey Fox zio Atlantic Company-Alan Gould ... 236

I)ATTLERS, the-Kylie Ten- ) nant 72

Bay, the-L. A. G. Strong . 510 Beehive, the-Winifred Williams . 684

Best Short Stories of £940, the • • 184 Butterfly, the-Martin Armstrong 454

I ANYON, the-Peter Viertel . 126

Chaffinch's-H. W. Freeman 592

Change the Name-Anna Kavan 354 Cheat, the-Karel Capek 684

Cottage, the-Crichton Porteous ... 354 Crown of Life-Barbara Goolden... 326 1)ARKNESS at Noon-Arthur Koestler 20

Defenders, the-Franz Hoellering 326 93 404 234 534 532 Delilah Upside Down-Bruce Marshall . 258 Detective and Crime Stories, 44, 154,

324, 454, 534, 638 NGLAND is My Village-J. L. English Story-ed. S. & W. Wyatt... 614 FARM on the Hill, the-Alison

Fields of Paradise, the-Ralph BaID3

Fingal's Box-Harley Williams .. 482 Flaming Sword, the-Henry Daniel-

Rops 404 For Our Vines Have Tender

Grapes-George V. Martin ... For Whom the Bell Tolls-Ernest Hemingway 258 Foundation Stone-Lella Warren . . Friends of the People, the-Alfred

Neumann . 526 HOST Knows His Greengages,

Ail the-H. B. Saxe . 20 Give Us the World-F. L. Green . . 404 I(lEIGE:rtWitch Doctor, the-Sarah 432

Horse That Could Whistle Dixie, the-Jerome Weidman .. 614 House of Children, a-Joyce Cary... 210

ILL-MADE Knight, the-T. H. White Immortal Ease-Kathleen Coyle ... 293 GURNEY into Morning-Max .1 Mundlak 562 72

I AND of Spices, the-Kate

O'Brien 184 Laura Sarelle-Joseph Shearing ... 20

Lie Triumphant, the-Reyner 536 Light in Italy-Jack Lindsay 536 Look at All those Roses-Elizabeth Bowen 94 AN of the Mountain, the-Zora I Thurston Manhold-Phyllis Bentley i26 Mr. Littlejohn-Martin Flavin •• 354

Morryham Farm-John McNcillie 184 My Name is Aram-William Sarovan • • • 354 ARCISSA-Richmal Crompton 66z 1 1 Nebraska Coast-Clyde Davis 432 Never Come Back-John Mair .. 454 New Noah's Ark, the-Andre De-

maison ... 684 10EAN, the-James Hanley ••• 454 Ox-Bow Incident, the-Walter

van Tilburg Clark 290 1 )ARENTS and Children-I.

1 Compton-Burnett . 562 Passion for Privacy, a-Louis Paul 562 Penny to Spend-Dorothy Cowlin . 662 Peonies and Ponies-Harold Acton 378

Poor. Relief-Caroline Slade ... 290

Presenting Moonshine - John Collier ... 662 Proceed, Sergeant Lamb-Robert Graves )EAP the Wild Wind-Thelma I

Strabel 432 Red Tapeworm, the-Compton Mackenzie • •• 94 ICK Heart River-John Buchan 430 11 Silver Darlings, the--Neil M.

Gunn . . 510 Star Called Wormwood, the- Morchard Bishop ... 592 Summer, 1914-R. M. du Gard ... 94 rig ADPOLE Hall-Helen Ashton 326

Temperate Zone-Nancy John- stone Three Days' Reckoning-Hans

Otto Storm . 258 Through the Eyes of a Woman- Tom Tiddler's Ground-Ursula To-day and Forever-Pearl S. Buck Zsolt-Harsanyi 404 614 432 Troubled Waters-Roger Vercel .. 258 P at the Villa-W. Somerset

I. Maugham 536

378 72

592 210 I " INGS' Masque-Evan John ..

VELVETEEN Jacket-Marione

ALK Like a Mortal-Dan / 1 Wickenden 184

Warrior, the-Thomas Ryan ••• 378

Wild Thyme-Lord Goren ... 614 COUNTRY LIFE

AGRICULTURAL policy for Britain, an, 610-Almonds, 527-Angling season, the, 610-Army wastage, 254-Aspara- gus, wild, 476.

BARK harvest, 346-Basket-making, 555-Bird facts, 201-Bird-watching, 20t-Birds and air-raids, 38; in pies, 6o; in snow, 87; young mouths, 654- Birds : Kingfishers, 310; Pigeons, 527; Starlings, r4; Swans, 14, 176-Bread, 6io -British Trust for Ornithology, the, 254-Broccoli, 527.

CAT and rabbits, 68o-Cibbals, 20I- Civvy Street, 450-Country Strangers, 450-" Countryman," the, 310- Cypress, flowering, 398.

DAPHNE, wild, 60, 147. EGGS, 654.

GARDEN, in the, 114, 147, 176, 201, 230, 254, 282, 310, 346, 371, 398, 427, 450, 476, 503, 527, 555, 584, 6r0, 633, 654, 680--Gardening Shows, 60.

HELLEBORE, Grecian, 427-Hellebore, green, 346-Herbage Seed Production, 633-Herbs, medicinal, 176, 584; Herb-gathering, 584-Holly crop, 115.

I Believe, 555-Indoor branches, 115. KENT, 633-Kingfishers, 31o.

LAND drainage problem, 282-Land experiment, 68o-Land workers, 115- Land regeneration, 555-Leeks, 201- Ley-farming, 427-Lilium Sulphureum, 282-Log fires, 38.

Maw:1i goes, 370-Medicinal herbs, 176, 584- Mellons, 230-Moles, 230.

NATIONAL loaf, the, 610. ONIONS, 201.

PARISH Council, 371-Pigeon-menace, 527-Ploughing and potatoes, 371- Poultry rationing, 201 --Produce and prices, 680.

KAASOONDERS. 147-Rural elections. 503.

SHROVE Tuesday, 230-Silage, 476- Spring promise, 476. 633-Starlings, 14 -Storm-colour, 230-Sugar-beet sugar, 503-Swans, 14, 176.

UNFRIENDLY South, 282-Vegetable prices, 527, 555-Vegetable surplus, 14, 87, 310, 398-Vegetables, plain, 346; uncommon, 176, 254-Venison sausage, 6o.

WHOLEMEAL loaf, 555.


Actresses Will Happen, at the Apollo, 654; Aladdin, at the Coliseum, Applesauce, at the Palladium, 279; Berkeley Square, at the Vaudeville, 35; Black Vanities, at the Victoria Palace, 472; Blue Goose, the, at the Comedy, 115; Cottage to Let, at Wyndham's, 528; Dear Brutus, at the Globe, 87; Diversion No. 2, at Wyndham's, 35; Dostigaeff and the Others, at the Unity, 630; Jack and the Beanstalk, at the Unity, 11; New Faces, at the Apollo, 3o7; Nine- teen Naughty One, at the Prince of Wales, 251; No Time for Comedy, at the Haymarket, 395; Non-Stop Vanities, at the Prince of Wales, 677; Orchids and Onions, at the Comedy, 424; Othello, at the Strand, 115; Revudeville, at the Windmill, 200, 607; Rise Above It, at the Comedy, 654; Strike Up the Music, at the Coliseum, zoo; Thunder Rock, at the St. Martin's, 251; Under One Roof, at the St. Martin's, 472; Up and Doing, at the Saville, 58o; Wednesday Alter the War, at the New, 424; Women Aren't ;Inge's, at the Strand, 447.


Angels Over Broadway, 307; Arise My Love, 172; Atlantic Ferry, 677; BaLk Street, 500; Bank Detective, the, 447; Brigham Young, 61; Chad Hanna, 52S; Cheers for Miss Bishop, 654; Comroae X, 424; Date With Destiny, a, ti; Darn Guard, 88; Escape, 88; Four Mothers, 472; Freedom Radio, 1,6; Ghost of St. Michael's, the, 447; Ghost Train, the, 343; Gold Rush Maisie, 35; I Married Adventure, 58o; Inspector Hornleigh Goes To It, 424; Kipps, 5z8; Kitty Foyle, 500; Lady Eve, the, 551; Letter, the, 607; Long Voyage Home, the, 227, Love on the Dole, 637; Major Barbara, 395; Man I Married, the, 200; March of Time, 251, 580, 677; Mark of Zorro, the, 143; Married But Single, 472; Marx Brothers Go West, 472; Merchant Sea- men, 607; Ministry of Information Films, 551; Mr. and Mrs. Smith, 371; Prime Minister, the, 279; Quiet Wed- ding, 143; Ramparts We Watch, the, 395; Road to Frisco, the, 200; Second Chorus, 424; Seven Sinners, 227; So Ends Our Night, 447; Spare a Copper, 343; Spring Parade, 61; That Uncertain Feeling, 654; They Knew What They Wanted, 35; Tin Pan Alley, r72; Trail of the Vigilantes, the, 307; Tree of Liberty, the, 279; Victory, 371; World in Flames, 251; Yellow Caesar, 251.

Outside the Theatres ... 630

POETRY Air Raid Message White (A. E. N. Andrews), 656; Be Patient (Richard Church), 606; Castle Howard (Law- rence Toynbee), 306; Cock-crow (Kathleen Raine), 579; Courage (Emyr Humphreys), 116; Cowardice (Emyr Humphreys), zot; Days of Waiting (A.

L. Rowse), 251; Eire (F. L. Lucas), 395; Faith of a Refugee (Wieland Herzfelde), 528; Hark (Walter de la Mare), 343; Holbein in 1940 (Doris N. Dalglish), 551; In Time (Kathleen Raine), 61; In the Village (Geoffrey Grigson), 172; Poets in Exile, to the (David Winser), 395; Poor Bird! (Walter de la Mare), 343; Red Tower. the (Michael Roberts), 371; Son, a (Lilian Bowes Lyon), 447; Three Poems for Becky (David Winser), 55o; Uneasy Marriage (Richard Church), 6t; Valse des Fleurs (Denis Hudson), II; Will to Live (Kathleen Raine), 680.

FINANCE AND INVESTMENT 22, 44, 72, too, 128, ,86, 212, 238, 260, 292, 326, 356, 382, 406, 434, 456, 484, 512, 538, 594, 616, 640, 664, 686.



5, 29, 53, 8,, 109, 137, 165, 193, 221, 245, 273, 305, 337, 365, 389, 417, 441, 465, 493, 521, 545, 573, 601, 625, 649, 672.


Bombed churches, 6o; Drawings at the Courtauld Institute, 143.


New Exhibitions, 279; New War Pic- tures, 551; Royal Academy, the, 50o; War Paintings at the National Gallery, 343; Whistler and Early Twentieth Cen- tury Oils, 472.


After the Queen's Hall, 58o; American Symphony, an, 6o; Britten's Violin Con- certo, 424; Edwardian Symphony, an, r72; Vaughan Williams's Choral Songs.


OPERA AND BALLET Beggar's Opera, the, 227; Gluck's Orphie, 607; La Traviara, 677; Marriage of Figaro, the, zoo; Sadler's Wells Company, the, 88; " Wanderer" Fantasy, the, it6.

THE GRAMOPHONE Beethoven and Bartok, 307.