3 JULY 1830, Page 12

TlIE C! lhili,ChI.

The Right Efono-u.,.1,1e J. ,r.1 Tholum, Iny, M.A. cf Trinity has been

presmited to It...ml.es:•••: • ia Slid:011:, void by the death of tile Rev.

Cothhert Ilenley. The follow inr. te.1 Wa.11utin

P;•,,,,,,ttion,-!, 11:11,t,(if kin to the founder ; Rev. James l'eter ltboadc. ; 'fllor••••• and .1 .II:n iilttto, 11.A. Selentecs.—.1.,co. 1.11111, :P., of ■,:n i.0 the founder ; Tlannas Brancker„

Charles Maul, Chi s Lad: :,111, D...aodu 1%•idginalt