3 JULY 1841, Page 10


We are happy to learn that the Queen Dowager has sent twenty guineas towards the sum subscribing for Clare ; that Lord Fitzwilliam has also sent a handsome subscription ; and that the Marquis of North- ampton has generously subscribed M. per annum. We had no doubt that it was the want of making the poet's case sufficiently known, and not the lack of those who would have sympathy -with his case, that was wanting to relieve him.—English Journal.

The Duke of Wellington entertained Prince George of Cambridge, the Marquis and Marchioness Douro, Lord and Lady De Roos, Lord John Hay, Sir John and Lady Shelley, the Honourable Charles Arbuth- not, Colonel Freemantle, and a select party, at dinner at Aptley House,. on Saturday evening. The Duke has gone down to Weimer Castle, to rusticate for a month or so. He arrived there on Thursday, in excel lent health.

A testimony of the gratitude of the people of Zante was presented to. Lord C. Fitzroy on Wednesday, by the hands of their countryman the Honourable C. J. Carren. It was a gold medal of large size, executed by M. Barre, Director-General of the Paris Mint ; bearing on one side Lord Charles's bust, with a Greek inscription running thus—" To Lord Charles Fitzroy, the ardent friend of the Ionian people, the inhabitants of the island of Zante, ever mindful " ; on the other, the interior of the House of Commons at the moment of his making his first motion on the state of the Ionian Islands. This side of the medal particularly is said to be admirable in design and execution.

A pair of richly-wrought silver coolers, value 1401., is about to be- presented by some Glasgow friends to Mr. Rowland Hill, as a testimo- nial of their gratitude to him for his zeal and ability in establishing the uniform Penny-postage.

At the Privy Council, on Monday, Mr. Fox Hanle was sworn of the Council, and formally appointed to preside in the Committee of Trade. in the President's absence.

Tuesday's Gazette announces some new appointments : the Right Honourable George Stevens Byng is appointed Treasurer of the House- hold, in the room of the Earl of Surrey, who has resigned ; and Lord Marcus Hill, Comptroller of the Household, in the room of Mr. Byng.

Mr. James Cochrane is gazetted as Judge of the Supreme Court of Gibraltar.

Mr. Marcus Costello, of the Irish bar, has been appointed Attorney- General in Gibraltar.

Sir Thomas Wilde, says the Standard, has succeeded Sir John Camp- bell as Attorney-General. Mr. Jervis, Mr. Dundas, and others, have been talked of for the Solicitor-Generalship.

We perceive by the Dublin Evening Post. that the reports of Lord Plunket's retiring address to the bar omitted the following compli-

mentary passage—" As to my successor, he is my political and private friend, and one for whom I entetrain the greatest personal respect."-- Morning Chronicle,

Lord Elibank has made an. innovation in the conduct of the election of Scottish Representative Peers : he has published an address to the Peers of Scotland, soliciting their votes as a supporter of Ministers.

Some time back, Admiral Stopford was reported to have commented pretty severely on Sir Charles Napier's remarks at Liverpool ; and Sir Charles wrote him a letter on the subject, publishing it at the same time in the papers. The Admiral has written the following reply-

- Princess Charlotte. Malta. June 14th.

"Dear Sir—Although the speeches ascribed to you at Liverpool and Man- chester have also gone the rounds of the newspapers, I did not consider it ne- cessary to call upon you for explanation upon points therein mentioned, which might bear the inference of excluding me from any share in the operations on the coast of Syria. I could not but doubt whether it was possible that an officer of long standing, with whom I had the pleasure of serving for a consi- derable time upon the most amicable footing, could have made so extraordinary a statement. But even if it had been made, no newspaper controversy could ever have settled it. Time and circumstances could alone elicit the facts. I have seen different versions of the few words I said at the entertainment given me at Malta, to which you refer in your letter of the 31st May, received on the 12th instant. As your name was mentioned, you have a right to know exactly what I did say ; which was this, That, however gladly I availed my- self of your skill and intrepidity, I trusted that the service would not have suf- fered if you had not been there; having full reliance on several officers in the squadron to execute any orders that might have been confided to them.' But I utterly deny having accused you of arrogating to yourself the whole merit of the Syrian campaign. "Your obedieneservant, R. STOPFORD.

"PS. Since writing the above, I have seen your letter to me of the 3Ist of May in one of the public papers. I take it for granted that you will make this- equally public.

"To Commodore Sir Charles Napier."

The funeral of M. Gamier Pages, the Republican leader in the Cham- ber of Deputies, on Saturday. seems to have proved a much more au- gust ceremony than was expected. The procession was headed by Sergens de Ville and National Guards. The pall was borne by Ge- neral Exeelmans, Colonel Stirling of the National Guards, M. Carnet, and M. David (d'Angers), the sculptor. Immediately after the hearse, followed a body of at least 20,000 citizens, marching in good order ; 5,000 of whom, each wearing a sprig of the innnortdle flower in his button- hole, walked in sections of seven, with every appearance of having been drilled and disciplined. These last were, it is said, members of the- secret societies. Not a single soldier was seen, the whole having been concentrated in barracks, to be ready for an emergency. From the- space in the Boulevard St. Martin, above the theatre of that name, away to the church of Notre Dame de Lorette (the place of the burial,) at the end of the Rue Lafitte, there was a dense crowd of spectators of every grade. It is computed that these amounted to' upwards of 100,000. The spectacle of this Republican demonstration„ which is unrivalled by any since the funeral of General Lamarque, was rendered impressive by the total absence of any display Of

force; a profound silence was universal ; the union and sedateness observable in the whole multitude, in the words of an eye-witness, "proved incontestably to all who know aught of Paris, that the spirit (of Revolution) is not dead, but sleepeth."

Madrid journals and letters of the 23d have arrived.

The anniversary of the Constitution of 1837 was celebrated there with great pomp. The garrison and the National Guards were under arms. The Queen passed before the troops in an open caleehe, accom- panied by her sister and the Marchioness of Santa Cruz ; the Duke of Victory and the Minister of War riding on her right and left, with a great many superior staff-officers and an escort of about three thousand cavalry. The city and public buildings were illuminated. The Paris Morateur, in a telegraphic despatch from Bayonne, dated June 28th, announces that the guardianship of the Queen of Spain had been declared vacant, in the sitting of the Chamber of Deputies on the 23d, by a majority of 129 votes to 1. In the sitting of the 25th, the Senate proposed to declare the guardianship vacant, by a majority of 3 against 2.

The Danish Government has concluded a treaty with Great Britain, relative to the passage of the Sound ; the duration of which is limited to ten years from the 15th June last, but may be prolonged for ten years more if agreeable to the contracting parties. According to the new tariff established by the Danish Government, the duties on coffee and cocoa are to be reduced.

Advices from Constantinople, of the 17th June, state that letters from Syria had brought news of the success of the Candian Christians over Turkish troops. It is said three engagements have taken place ; in two of which the loss on either side was small, but in the third the Sultan's troops were signally defeated, with a loss of 400 men. Tahir Pasha continues to occupy Sada and its fortress, closely watched by the insur- gents, who are 15,000 strong. A few villages in the vicinity of the town submitted. The sum of 2,500 drachmas was subscribed by Greeks in Syra ; a large amount has also been sent from the Mores to support the Candians ; and they have also many friends even in Con- stantinople among their co-religionists, by whom, is is said, consider- able sums were making up for them. Tahir Pasha had expressed a wish for an immediate addition to his force, as he had been greatly disappointed regarding the actual strength of the Candians. A council was held at Tophanah, at which the Sultan assisted, and it is generally believed that the condition of Candia was its subject. Mehemet Ali Pasha, chief of the artillery, was ordered to depart for that island with four vessels of war and 5,000 soldiers.

By a despatch from Van, in Turkish Armenia, an authenticated state- ment has been received at Constantinople, of a copious fall of manna from the skies. Enough was vouchsafed to cover the earth two inches deep; and to afford food for many days to the people. Specimens were forwarded with the despatch, which the Porte intends to have che- mically analyzed. The following passage, translated from the Arabic in the Malta Times, seems to be connected with this subject-

" Aleppo, 3d May.—A great famine has happened in Aleppo, Militia, and K.arbat, insomuch that the people died with hunger, and sold their sons and daughters to get bread to eat. But the Almighty God rained upon them seed, and fed them withaL " Of the authenticity of these few words," adds the Malta Times, " ex- tracted from an Arabic letter, we are perfectly satisfied. The seed alluded to is known in Malta ; being nearly like hab or aaziz, and which, being kept a little while, becomes white, like semola (very fine wheaten Roan)"

The date of the advices from Alexandria is June 16th. On the 7th, the Russian steamer Polar Star arrived there with Kiemal Effendi, bearer of despatches to Said Muhil Effendi, conveying the new hatti- scheriff and firman of investiture of the hereditary Pashalie of Egypt to Mehemet Ali, in the direct line of the successors of his eldest son, and the further modification of the hatti-scheriff of the 22d January last ; decreeing that the Pasha is at liberty to promote all officers to the rank of Colonel inclusive, independently of the approbation of the Porte ; and allowing certain modifications of the hatti-scheriff of Gulhane that may be required by the peculiarity of the Egyptian system of government. Some points relative to the tribute remained yet to be settled; for which purpose Sand Bey accompanied Kiemel Effendi to Constantinople in the Pasha's steam-frigate Nile.

On the 10th June the hatti-scheriff was publicly read, and the Pasha's submission to its dictates made public, accompanied by a salute from the ships and batteries, of a very parsimonious character so far as powder was concerned. The Russian steamer also brought to Egypt Ali Pasha, the new Governor of Medina.

The plague in Alexandria was nearly overcome by the increased heat of the weather. The cases varied from three or four to ten or fifteen daily.

Admiral Stopford transferred the command of the Mediterranean fleet, on the 19th June, to Rear-Admiral Sir John Ackworth Omman- ney, and left Malta on the same afternoon for England in the Queen's ship Princess Charlotte.

Sir Henry Pottinger, who arrived at Malta on the 12th of June, in the Great Liverpool, departed in the same vessel on the 13th, for Alex- andria. Rear-Admiral Sir W. Parker, the new Naval Commander-in- chief for the East Indies, who also reached Malta by the Great Liver- pool, sailed on the same day.

Letters from Corfu, of the 9th instant, announce the arrival there of Mr. Stewart Mackenzie, the new Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands ; who had come direct to that island from Alexandria, in the yacht of Lord Dysart. On the 8th, Sir Howard Douglas and the Senators received him at the entrance of the palace ; and shortly after- wards formally invested him with the government of the Seven Islands. He then took the oath of office, and addressed some words of congratu- lation to sir Howard ; whose system of administration he highly com- mended, and promised strictly to pursue. The Ionians are said to have been very little satisfied with this declaration. On the other hand, the first act of the new Governor savoured somewhat of despotism ; for he bad chosen for his lazaretto an apartment of the Government palace, and reduced his quarantine to seven or eight days.

Count de Medem, former Consul-General of Russia in Egypt, sailed on the 5th, in the Austrian Lloyd steamer for Trieste, on his way to St. Petersburg, vid Vienna ; having been appointed Minister of Russia in Persia, in the room of General Duhamel, who has demanded his recall, because of the illness of his wife. M. Cramer, the new Consul-General of Russia in Alexandria, had arrived in the Turkish capital.

Sir Edward Baines, Consul-General of England at St. Petersburg, who has been transferred in the same capacity to Alexandria in the place of Colonel Hodges, was shortly expected in Constantinople ; whence he was to sail for his destination with the Consuls of the other Powers parties to the treaty of the 15th July.

The Indian overland mail brings intelligence from Calcutta to the 10th May, and from Bombay to the 22d May. The news this month is devoid of interest. No later accounts had arrivedfrom China than those brought by the last mail. The Lame had been waiting in Bombay since the 2d May for the arrival of Admiral Parker. Sir Gordon Bremer was still at Calcutta, but about to return immediately to China. Active preparations were making in the three Presidencies for further reinforcements to China ; the Queen and Madagascar steamers were undergoing repairs at Calcutta ; the India was preparing, and two steam-frigates and two iron steamers under orders at Bombay ; the 94th and 57th regiments were to form part of the reinforcements, which were to consist of 2,500 European troops and a body of Natives.

The Indian papers contain an account of a suicide committed with elaborate deliberation-

" Captain George Hamilton Cox, secretary to the Fire Insurance Company, who had formed an injudicious connexion with an actress of Calcutta, had for the last two or three days been observed to be labouring under great depression of spirits, in consequence of his wife and children being daily expected from Eng- land. Re went to the theatre, from which he returnee to his lodgings at the Bengal Club about nine o'clock ; and then with the greatest deliberation blew out his brains with a pistol, literally shattering to pieces the whole of his head. After his return it appears he wrote a letter to the Coroner, one to the editor of the Englishman, and a third to the actress we have spoken of, and then, sending his servants out of the room, seated himself in a chair, which he adjusted Ina corner of the closet, with a brace of loaded pistols in his hands, and shot him- self through the head with one of them. One pistol was found still to be loaded on the chair beside the corpse, which remained in a recumbent posture, and the other was picked up on the ground near the chair. An inquest was held on the body of Captain Cox; at which the following letters, written by the de- ceased immediately before his death, were read-


"I am unwilling, gentlemen, to give you unnecessary trouble in searching for evidence to form an opinion on the cause of my having shot myself. It was unhappiness; you will find no more, search as you will. I have very long and deeply thought on the subject ; but all men will live as long as they can, until they reach that point of endurance beyond which the soul cannot be forced. -'Tis no pleasant thing to blow your brains out, I can assure you, and requires a resolution and determination to do it. I have not perpetrated the act under any temporary or immediate excitement ; in fact, I put off the deed for soma- days to effect a particular object. I obtained the pistols many days ago from Messrs. Tulloch and Co., to whom I beg they may be returned. They were, I think, sent on inspection only. The powder I purchased from Mr. Thompson a few days later again ; and having completed a few — arrangements, I take my leave. Inquire of those who saw me latest, if you please; you will find I laboured under no excitement that was perceptible to them. My feelings, of course, were wrong, but the wounds were known only to myself. If I bad not been-extremely unhappy, I should not have shot my- self. Insanity has never been in my family, and I am as cool and collected at this writing as I have ever been. The office I conducted is in good order, and is steadily progressing. My worldly prospects are good; but a man cannot work with a broken heart. I hope your verdict (after such inquiry as you may choose to make) will be, Found shot by himself,' or something to that effect, but not from temporary excitement or derangement.

April 29. "G. HAMILTON COX.

" PS. I solicit the cheapest and meanest funeral—no puckati grave, no mourning-coach, no parson's fees. Outside a churchyard [shall be as com- fortable as in it. Attend, gentlemen, to the wishes of a dead man, who values not mere forms, and I would thank you if I could. Dr. Goodeve is my medi- cal adviser."

The result of the inquest is not stated.

The Punjab is represented to be in a very disturbed state ; but there is no probability of the British entering it. The accounts thence are considered as very much exaggerated, in order to influence the public mind in favour of invasion. General Ventura arrived in the begin- ning of May at Kuraehee, whence he expects to come on to Bombay. The policy of Lord Auckland is described now as decidedly pacific. The alarm created about the invasion of Afghanistan by the Shah has subsided ; for the inability of Persia to make any successful aggression is known, as well as the willingness of its monarch to satisfy England.

In Scinde, the negotiations with Nusseer Khan had completely failed; and a rising throughout the country was expected to be the result. In the Punjab affairs remained without much alteration. The army was still in open revolt, and Shere Singh completely in their power : the idea of an advance on Herat was apparently abandoned. The Persians had evacuated Ghorian. Colonel Stoddart was still a prisoner in the hands of the King of Bokhara.

The Dutch were extending their conquests on the west coast of Sumatra, having possession of Polo Nias, and they were about to occupy the port of Turmoou. Great financial confusion prevailed in Batavia, the result of the misconduct of the Java Bank.

Every thing was quiet, and supplies abundant in Aden.

By the mail-steamer Acadia we have intelligence from New York to the 15th of June.

The state of the relations between the United States and Great Britain had been brought under the consideration of the Senate by Mr. Buchanan ; who, in proposing to refer that part of the President's message that related so foreign affairs to the Committee which had the charge of them, entered at length upon an examination of the facts relating to the capture and conflagration of the Caroline, and the points arising out of the occurrence. Mr. Buchanan did not think the con- dition of the United States would be so very alarmng in the event of a war. America was not among the weak nations of the earth ; no other nation could attack her without suffering as much from war as she would. He did not, however, deem that there was any risk of wani

but, in the event of its coming, he wished the law of nations to be so construed as to put them right in the eyes of the world. The debate ended in the papers being referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

. The correspondence alluded to in the President's message, between Mr. Fox, the BritishMinister' and Mr. Webster, the Foreign Secretary, had been published. Mr. Fox's letter, dated 12th March 1841, demanded the release of Mr. 3PLeod, on the ground that he acted under the orders of his Government. Mr. Webster's reply is dated April 24th. He begins by remarking that circumstances well known to Mr. Fox (alluding to the death of General Harrison) have prevented the consideration of his note for some days. He then says that the President is not quite certain of the meaning of the note, but he supposes it to be limited to the assertion that the destruction of the Caroline was a public act, and that individuals engaged in it are exonerated from responsibility ; and it is presumed that there is no desire to induce the Government of the United States to seek Mr. 31`Leod's liberation by any other than the judicial process proper to the occasion- " The communication of the fact that the destruction of the Caroline was an act of public force by the British authorities being formally communicated to the Government of the United States by Mr. Fox's note, the case assumes a decided aspect. "The Government of the United States entertains no doubt that, after this avowal of the transaction as a public transaction authorized and undertaken by the British authorities, individuals concerned in it ought not, by the prin- ciples of public law and the general usage of civilized states, to be holden per- sonally responsible in the ordinary tribunals of law for their participation in it; and the President presumes that it can hardly be necessary to say that the American people, not distrustful of their ability to redress public wrongs by public means, cannot desire the punishment of individuals when the act com- plained of is declared to have been an act of the Government itself. "Soon after the date of Mr. Fox's note, an instruction was given to the Attorney-General of the United States from this department, by direction of the President, which fully sets forth the opinions of this Government on the subject of Mr. APLeod's imprisonment; a copy of which instruction the under- signed has the honour herewith to enclose. The indictment against Mr. M'Leod is pending in a State court ; but his rights, whatever they may be, are no less safe, it is to be presumed, than if he were holden to answer in one of the courts of this Government."

Mr. Webster then enters at considerable length upon the broader question of the Caroline affair itself; remarking that the Government of the United States has not changed the opinion which it has heretofore ex- pressed of the character of the act of destroying the Caroline. He concludes thus— "It will be for her Majesty's Government to show upon what state of facts and what rules of national law the destruction of the Caro- line is to be defended. It will be for that Government to show a necessity of self-defence, instant, overwhelming, leaving no choice of means and no moment for deliberation. It will be for it to show also that the local authorities of Canada, even supposing the necessity of the moment authorized them to enter the territories of the United States at all, did nothing unreasonable or exces- sive, since the act, justified by the necessity of self-defence, must be limited by that necessity and kept clearly within it. It must be shown that admo- nition or remonstrance to the persons on board the Caroline was impracticable, or;would have been unavailing : it must be shown that daylight could not be waited for ; that there could be no attempt at discrimination between the in- nocent and the guilty ; that it would not have been enough to seize and detain the vessel, but that there was a necessity, present and inevitable, for attacking her, in the darkness of the night, while moored to the shore, and while un- armed men were asleep on board, killing some and wounding others, and then drawing her into the current, above the cataract, setting her on fire, and, careless to know whether there might not be in her the innocent with the guilty, or the living with the dead, committing her to a fate which fills the imagination with horror. A necessity for all this the Government of the United States cannot

believe to have existed. • •

"The President instructs the undersigned to say, in conclusion, that he confidently trusts that this and all other questions of difference between the two Governments will be treated by both in the full exercise of such a spirit of candour, justice, and mutual respect, as shall give assurance of the long con- tinuance of peace between the two countries." The instructions to Mr. Crittenden, dated March 15th, say that the Government would at once have entered a nolle proseque, but it doubted its power to do so in a State Court. It charges Mr. Crittenden, however, to watch the proceedings in the State Court, to see that a distinction be drawn between the merits of the question as it regards the attack on the Caroline and the special question of M`Leod's irresponsibility : and Government orders him to tell Mr. M.Leod, that if that plea be not admitted by the State Court, the case will be removed by writ of error to the Supreme Court of the United States.

The whole American press is unanimous in its praise of the spirit, tone, and ability of Mr. Webster's reply to Mr. Fox.

The President had submitted his plan for the appointment of" a fiscal agent," which Congress would take under its consideration with- out delay.

The correspondent of the Morning Chronicle briefly describes the nature of the institution-

" The Bank is to be called the Fiscal Bank of the United States,' and to be in Washington, with branches in the States : Government to subscribe one- fifth of the capital, which is to be 30,000,000 dollars ; and the States (such as choose) to subscribe the amount due to them of the fourth instalment of the Deposit Act. The stock to be issued, bearing an interest of 5 per cent, a year, redeemable, if Government please, in fifteen years. States may take stock to the extent of 10,000,000 dollars, if they wish. 20,000,000 dollars of the stock to be subscribed for by individuals. There are to be seven directors ; two to be appointed by the President and Senate, and five to be elected by the stockholders; and the president of the bank to be chosen by the directors out of their own body. The branches to be managed by from five to seven directors, two to be appointed by the State in which the branch is located. The bank to receive the public monies of the United States as a treasury ; and the deposits not to be removed except by law. Notes of the bank to be received for public dues. Bank to transmit funds of the United States to all parts of the Union. To be a bank of issue and discount ; but annual dividend to stockholders not to exceed 6 per cent. Debts never to exceed 20,000,000 dollars above its deposits, and debts due to it never to exceed its capital, and 75 per cent. above. Only to receive 6 per cent, on loans. Not to discount over 180 days. Not to renew debts. Not to lend United States more than 3,000,000 dollars, nor any State more than 100,000 dollars. Not to issue notes lower than 10 dollars. Never to lend its own officers ; and books to be inspected by Government. And never to suspend specie payments! Such is the Govern- ment plan - and, in its main features, all the thinking portion of the community believes that it promises welL"

In the Senate, Mr. Clay had brought forward a bill to repeal the Sub-Treasury Act : it was entitled a bill to repeal the act entitled "An act to provide for the collection, safe keeping, transfer, and disburse- ment of the public revenue, and the punishment of embezzlers of the public money."

The New York money-market was abundantly supplied; and it is stated that considerable difficulty was experienced by the banks and by individuals in the employment of their floating capital to advantage. The share-market remained without material alteration : if any change had taken place, it was for the better. United States Bank Shares had partly recovered the depression they had sustained, and left off at 19t. A fair amount of business had been done in the Foreign Exchanges for the Acadia, especially on Paris ; the rates on that place were 5 francs 25 centimes to 5 francs 231 centimes ; on England, 81, to I premium.

The Great Western steam-ship, which sailed from Bristol on the evening of May the 27th, arrived at New York on the evening of the 10th instant, after a passage of fourteen days.

The New York papers contain the particulars of a long investigation into the fate of the President steam-ship. Mr. Buchanan, the British Consul for the port of New York, had convened a meeting, at the office of his Consulate, for the purpose of inquiring into the condition of the ship when she last put to sea ; what cargo she had, how her coal was stowed, whether there was any deficiency of spars, yards, and so forth. The meeting was attended by Rear-Admiral Walton, who was voted into the chair, Mr. George Barclay, the agent for Lloyd's in the port of New York, Mr. Thomas W. Moore, the Queen's packet-agent, Mr. Henry Smith, of the firm of Wadsworth and Smith, the agents for the steam-ships President and British Queen, Mr. Cole, master of the packet-ship Orpheus, and several other gentlemen experienced in nau- tical matters. Mr. Lockman, one of the New York pilots, who took the President to sea, was not present ; but a gentlemen was there to re- present and speak for him. He said that when the pilot left the Presi- dent, Captain Roberts observed that he felt satisfied of making a quick passage ; that his vessel was in good order, and that he had abundance of fuel; and that with regard to her trim, she was only about one inch and a half by the head. Mr. Cole, of the ship Orpheus, stated that he left New York in company with the steam-ship President, on the morning of the 11th March last, and that he was in the sight of her until about sun-down on the evening of the 12th. When he last saw the President rising on the to of a tremendous sea, she appeared to be pitching heavily and labouring tremendously. She was then situate in that dangerous part of the Atlantic Ocean about midway between the Nantucket Shoal and St. George's Bank, just where the Gulf stream strikes soundings, and where the waves rise almost straight up and down, and as high as a four or five story house. The President must then have been shipping seas heavily and fast ; and probably those large bodies of water worked through into the engine-room or fire- room, and extinguished the fires, in which case the steamer would have been comparatively helpless. The storm was terrific all that night. Next morning the wind shifted suddenly from N.E. to S.E., knocking up a still more tremendous sea ; and the gale continued with un- abated fury till midnight of the 13th. It is his belief that the Pre- sident did not survive that gale, but foundered with all on board ; and that all perished before sun-down on the 13th, or in less than twenty- four hours after he last saw her, and most probably in the terrific night of the 12th March. In this opinion other nautical gentlemen seemed to coincide ; and a statement embodying the substance of the evidence adduced was signed by Admiral Walton, Mr. Barclay, and Mr. Moore, and published in the papers.

The Acadia left Halifax on the night of the 18th instant. The latest date from Quebec is the 12th. The papers contain no news of importance.

The Governor-General arrived at Kingston in the Brockville steamer on the 28th May. The papers are filled with accounts of his recep- tion' and the procession which conducted him to Alwington House. His health was improving, but is still spoken of as delicate.

Intelligence from Bermuda to the 1st of June mentions the death of Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy, Commander-in-chief on the North American and West Indian stations ; who expired at Bermuda on the 28th.