3 JULY 1852, Page 6

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Tarn Queen stood sponsor to the Princess Gauromma, on her reception into the Christian Church by baptism from the hands of the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the private chapel of Buckingham Palace, on Wednes- day. The young Princess is the daughter of Prince Veie Rajunder, former Rajah of Coorg, in the Madras Presidency ; and Queen Victoria has accepted the responsibility of the young Indian's Christian education in this country. Prince Vere Raj under was present at the ceremony. Her Majesty held a Privy Council at Buckingham Palace on Wednes- day, at which the Royal Speech on the prorogation of Parliament was settled.

At a Court hold on the same day, her Majesty gave audience to the Duke of Augustenberg, introduced by the Prussian Minister ; and to Te Rauparaha, chief of the Ngatitoa end Ngatiraukana tribes in New Zea- land, introduced by Sir John Pakington. Parliament was prorogued by the Queen in person on Thursday. Her Majesty left Buckingham Palace, with her suite, at about two o'clock, in the usual procession of carriages, escorted by liveried footmen, men at arms in ancient costume, and household troops. The sky at first frowned, but it was only to smile again the more brightly ; and the ceremony was wit- nessed by a concourse as numerous, pleased, and loudly loyal, as in any former year. The Queen had returned to Buckingham Palace by five minutes past three. At a Paivy Council, held by her Majesty on the same afternoon, the pro- clamation for dissolving the present 'Parliament and summoning a new one was issued.