3 JULY 1880, Page 3

Prince Bismarck has carried his "Discretionary Law," enabling him to

use or relax the Falk Laws at his pleasure, through the Prussian Parliament. It was believed that he would be beaten, after all, the House modifying several import- ant clauses, in defiance of Herr Putkammer's remonstrances ; but on the final vote, 40 National Liberals sided with the Government, and the Bill was carried by a majority of four. 206 to 202. The Bill enables the King in Council to replace the dispossessed Bishops, and the Government still professes to be confident that it will be able to come to terms with Rome. The Vatican, however, has as yet made no sign, and it is quite possible that the Bill may only be used to recede gently from an untenable position. The German Chancellor has not ." gone to Canossa," as he so constantly repeats; he has only purchased an express ticket to enable him to go there, should he think the journey expedient.