3 JULY 1886, Page 1



THE struggle has fully begun, the first contested election having taken place at Colchester on Thursday. There, Mr. H. J. Trotter, a Conservative, has kept his seat against Mr. R. K. Causton, Home-ruler, by 1,996 to 1,791. The Conserva- tive majority has increased by 130, but the poll on both sidos is lower than in 1885. The fact may be an isolated one, but taken in conjunction with the considerable number of uncon- tested seats in important places, it may possibly indicate that the Irish '0,oestion does not arouse among the masses the passionate interest felt in it by the educated. If that is' the case, the new Parliament will be like the last ; but as y,e,t this is mere conjecture. There never was an Election in which results were up to the latest moment less certain, or in which the comparative popularity of the leaders, counting Mr. Bright as a Unionist leader, was so doubtful. We note with approval a strong disposition to leave eminent men alone, and with strong disapproval a tendency, especially among Radicals, to break up small meetings by violence. What good they fancy they obtain by this it is impossible to say ; but it is becoming evident that the right of meeting under cover must either be surrendered or protected by much more stringent police precautions.