3 JULY 1915, Page 22


[To THE Enron OF TIIE SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I venture to ask the hospitality of your columns to bring before the public the enclosed appeal, which even at this time, when the claims upon charitable people are sc numerous, will, it is hoped, interest many of your readers P The Committee would be grateful if you could find space to insert the appeal—time is short—in your next issue, and more grateful still if it ie so fortunate as to secure your support.— movement is on foot in France to help the children of French soldiers, by providing in cases of need assistance to the mothers, in addition to the subvention given by the State. It is hoped to establish in each arrondissement of Paris an office where the birth of each child can be registered and means taken to provide assistance to the mothers.

To obtain funds for the promotion of this scheme, a charitable performance is being organized, which will, it is hoped, be held in London in the second fortnight of July. Details of the perform- ance will be advertised later. It will include a seventeenth-coatm* ballet of Scarlatti's music, in which Mlles. Dimitriu and Caryatis, of the Thatre des Arts and the Odion, will appear, having offered to come to London specially for the purpose. Mlle. Johnson, premiere danseuse of the Paris Opera, will give dances expressly arranged for this occasion, and Mlle. Gabrielle Dorziat, of the Vaudeville, will recite.

A British Committee is in course of formation, which includes the following names : V. Hussey-Walsh, Esq. (President), Lady St. Helier, Lady J. P. Mellor, Lady Guillomard, the Hon. Mrs. W. H. Ooschen, Mrs. Allhusen, Mrs. Leggett, Miss Amy Carter (Hon. Secretary Shakespearean Memorial Society), H. Harris Brown, Esq. Hon. Secretary : Mlle, Colas, 1 Embankment Gardens, Chelsea, S.W.

Subscriptions in aid. of the expenses of the performance will be gratefully received at the address given above by Mlle. Colas, who will also furnish all information as to tickets, he.