2 JULY 1942, Page 13


Sta,—You do not want your correspondence columns to be turned into a debating society, so I do not propose to comment in general on Mr. Parry's letter of June xsah. But one point should be made. The only object of the Government in introducing a scheme of rationing, as shown by Major Lloyd George's speeches, is to reduce the domestic consump- tion of fuel. Mr. Parry approves of the 20 per cent reduction in coal, which I proposed and am now endeavouring to make in my consumption, but he does not state what reduction, if any, he expects to be made by those for whom he speaks, including those who go to bed instead of burning coal. On the contrary, he seem a to imply that the Beveridge scheme will enable them to buy more fuel. If so, it is obvious that the scheme will be a failure.—Yours faithfully,