3 JULY 1976, Page 19


Sir : The satirical piece to which your correspondent refers ran as follows: I knew a man of industry Who made big bombs for the RFC And pocketed lots of £ s d And he (thank God) is an OBE.

I knew a woman of pedigree.

Who asked some soldiers out to tea And said 'Dear me! 'and 'Yes, I see' And she (thank God) is an OBE.

I knew a fellow of twenty-three Who got a job with a fat MP, Not caring much for the infantry, And he (thank God) is an OBE.

I had a friend, a friend, and he Just held the line for you and me And kept the Germans from the sea,, And died—without the OBE. Thank God!

He died without the OBE. R. H. Gibson Won i ngworth, Grasmere, Ambleside, Cumbria