3 JULY 1993, Page 25



The Spectator index for July to December 1992 is now available.

Order Form

Please send copies of the following indexes at 26 each (UK), 27 (overseas) inc. p&p. Name

July-Dec 1992 (vol. 269) copies

Jan-June 1992 (268) Address July-Dec 1991 (267) Jan-June 1991 (266) July-Dec 1990 (265) Jan-June 1990 (264) Postcode July-Dec 1989 (263)

I enclose a cheque for 2 Please return to: "Spectator Index", made payable to The Spectator. 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL 0 Please send details of the Index Standing Order Programme

This six monthly comprehensive alphabetical listing of subjects, titles and contributors is a necessity for libraries, schools, researchers and all who keep files of The Spectator.