3 JULY 2004, Page 26

Arab 'failure'

From John Hatt Sir: In his otherwise excellent article about Israel, Max Hastings makes a surprising comment, claiming that the entire Arab world must be classed as a 'failed society' (`There is still hope in the Holy Land', 26 June). Perhaps, like so many commentators, he considers democracy to be the ultimate test of a successful society. But although democracy is surely the 'least bad' method of government, it should not be the only test of civilisation. Nor should the mere accumulation of wealth.

Of course Arab society has its flaws, including a lack of democratic institutions. But there are several aspects of our society which are more flawed than theirs. Let Max Hastings visit three medium-rise housing estates in our largest cities; and after he has experienced their urine-soaked lifts, vandalism, alcoholism, fatherless children, crack dens and muggings, then let him visit three equivalent estates in, say, Syria. I can safely predict which he would think is the society that has failed more.

John Hatt

Sedbergh, Lancashire