3 JUNE 1837, Page 9


Sir Charles Vaughan, Ambassador Extraordinary to the Sublime Porte, has arrived at 3Ialta in the steam-vessel of war Medea, from Toulon. On leaving the steal: er, Sir Charles was saluted from the Indies ies arid fium the flagship, and was received on the mole with a guard of honour, and another guard of honour was stationed in front of the palaee, and presented arms as he entered. His Excellency is accompanied by Lord Nadel°, an Attael0 to the Embassy, and Mr. A. Buchanan, Acting Secretary. Sir Charles Vaughan will shortly proceed to Constantinople.— Times.

The appendage of Lord HADDO to the Embassy was a good stroke of policy on the part of Sir CHARLES VAUGHAN. The young Lord is son to the Earl of ABERDEEN—" Athenian Aberdeen "— once Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and likely ere long to resume that office. It is very convenient and agreeable, no doubt, to his not over-wealthy father, that Lord Hann° should travel at the public expense in those classic lands which he journeyed over at his own charges. It is moreover by no means a disadvantage to the" proximate" Minister to have, we will not say a spy, but an interested observer of Whig diplomacy in the East. When the Tories regain office, Sir CHARLES VAUGHAN will reap the benefit of his judicious selection of Lord Mono for an Attach(', pro- bably by a confirmation of the appointment which the Whigs have had the discretion to confer upon him.

Many Tories have been continued in their lineign appointments by Lord PALMERSTON, greatly to the injury of the Liberal cause mi the Continent, and the disgust of the Reformers at home. SirCit ARLES VAUGHAN, however, is, we believe, the only Tory Ambassador selected in the first instance by the Foreign Secretary ; and he shows his sense of the obligation by taking Lord ABERDEEN'S son into his diplomatic cabinet.