3 JUNE 1843, Page 2

A few points may be noticed in the foreign news.

In Spain, the Ministerial crisis has been placed in abeyance, by the appointment of Ministers chiefly, if not altogether, from the Senate ; something like a Ministry out of the House of Lords, and so far independent of the majority in the Commons. The ma- nceuvre looks dangerous. But the Coalition-majority in the Cham- ber of Deputies were impracticable : they would suffer no Minis- try not made by them to exist ; and out of their own heterogeneous materials they could not form one stable or of weight. Mean- while, the dissolution of the Cortes is a constitutional " appeal to the country."

The Indian mail brings news of " tranquillity" in Scinde, but of fighting elsewhere. And in China, the death of ELEFOO, the Imperial Commissioner, looks as if it might obstruct the progress of consolidating our relations, diplomatic and commercial.

The European occupation of Polynesia proceeds. The British are reported to have taken possession of the Sandwich Islands— where COOKE closed his career of discovery. So says report, but Sir ROBERT PEEL denies it.