3 JUNE 1876, Page 1


/11HE Revolution expected for some weeks past at Constan-

tinople has occurred. The Heads of Departments, wearied out with the selfishness, greed, and incapacity of Abdul Aziz, and aware, from the result of the Softas' enieute, that he was friendless, at midnight on Monday, the 29th May, surrounded the Palace with troops, and announced to the Sultan that he must abdicate. Abdul Aziz raged, but aware that _Pashas who have once threatened a Sultan with deposition must succeed, even if they have to take his life, he yielded, and was transported to the old Palace in the Seraglio, where it is believed he is still alive, under strict guard. His nephew, Murad, the legal heir, was at the same time taken to the War Ministry, where he was received by the Grand Vizier and chief officials, and thence to a mosque, where he was proclaimed Khalif and Sultan. The troops, populace, and officials all welcomed the change, which, being made with the assent of the Ulema and of the people, is not illegal, and the pro- vincial cities forwarded their adhesion. Not a stroke was struck for Abdul Aziz, who has disgusted all classes; and no Ambassador has remonstrated, though there is a rumour that General Ignatieff has placed the life of the ex-Sultan under Russian guarantee, which, however, will not prevent death from heart-break. Murad V.—or Amurath V., as we used to write the name—has not yet been girded with the sword of Othman, but his accession has been officially notified to all foreign Courts, and he is undoubtedly Khalif and Sultan.