3 JUNE 1916, Page 15


"srsoraros."1 Sta,—Two weeks ago you were kind enough to allow me the use of your columns to make an appeal on behalf of the Y.W.C.A. work for women war workers. I feel impelled to write again to express my warmest thanks for the most kind and generous response to that letter. A day or two after it appeared I received one morning no less than £1,500, and cheques continue to come in. The money will be used to provide rest-rooms, light canteens, and bedrooms in many needy centres, and donors may feel that they have already brought comfort and cheer to our tired workers. In the past three months we have opened five new hostels, and have provided workers to look after the girls' welfare in places where hostels had already been erected. We wish now to extend our work to help others who have taken the place of men at the front. Everywhere accommodation is inadequate, and we are anxious to go immediately to five congested districts and provide rest-rooms, canteens, or hostels, according to the need. Not only are we trying to open new buildings, but in many places we are enlarging accommodation in hostels that already exist. For all this money is of course needed, and if your readers in their generosity should send us funds in the same marvellous manner as they have already done, we shall be able to go forward to these districts without delay. I must not, however, encroach on your space further than just to mention this new need and again to express our heartfelt thanks.— I am, Sir, &c., E. BICTON-TURBERVILL. 26 George Street, Hanover Square, W.