3 JUNE 1966, Page 12


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1. Scholastic transport (9. 4)

9. Big snake takes shredded greens presented by a noisy preacher (9)

10. Waken with a good drink (5) 1 1 . It's bad! It isn't! 15)

12. Old Norse in charge of one antelope. In charge? (9) 13. That's about all there is to repay (7) 15. Take a turn with the Mardchal to the copse (7) 17. Sour, to have the best player going to America (7) 19. Siren gives a chap the opportunity to drive off (7) 21. Colonel of artillery in such a stew.! (9) 23. Displayers of agility apparatus have false poten- tial 15) 24. Had no Cockney sweetheart (5) 25. Spread about what to do when a hinge is broken? (9) 26. Handy contrivance when perusing the electricity bill! (5.8) DOWN 1. Does quail, this lovely girl! (9) 2. What's happening in Kesteven tonight? (5) 4. 'Sweet disorder' bewitching to Herrick? (7)

5. Cwlioveses (

subcutaneous relationship of two military

6. Floral embodiment of one aspect of the Ameri- can way of life? (9)

7. No treat for a square! (5) 8. Like a complexion in Old Virginny? (6) 9. Mordant type emerges from the tribe 15) 14. Is none at the Spa in charge to show the depth? (9)

16. Sacred setting of capital of French romance (5. 4)

17. Poetic pastoral state (6) 18. Is it wrong to love the good Italian seed? (7)

19. Valet sets off to get fruit (7)

20. One of the treacle well girls (5) 22. A naked one was booked! (5) 23. Beautiful although round about fifty-what a gift! (5) Solution next week