3 MARCH 1832, Page 12


MAJORITY. Williams, NV. A. Williamson, Sir 11.11t. Wilmington, Sir T.Bt. Wood, C.

Wood, J.

Wood, Alderman Wrightson. W. B. Wrottesley, Si,- ;. Bt.


Adam, Adm. C. Campbell, NV. F. Ferguson, R.

Ridley, Sir M. W. Fergussou, R. C. Robarts, A. W. Gillon, IV. D.

Robinson, G. 11. Grant,'Rt. Hon. C. Robinson, Sir G. Bt. lialiburton,Hu.D.G.

Rooper, J. B. Johnstone, A. Rumbold,C. E. Johnstone, J.

Russell, Lord J. Loch, 3.

Russell, Sir It. G. Mackenzie, S.

Russell, Lieut.-Col. M'Lecal, R.

Russell, C. Morison, J.

Sanford, E. A. Ross, II.

Sehoniwar, G. Sinclair, G.

Scott, Sir E. D. Bt. Stewart, Sir M. S.

Sebright, Sir J. Stewart, E. Skipworth, Sir G, Bt. Train, G. Smith, G. R. IRELAND.

Smith, J. Acheson, Via. Smith, J. A. Belfast, Earl of Smith, R. V. Bellew, Sir P. Spence, G. Blacknev, W. Spencer, Hon. Capt. Bodkin, J. J. Stanhope. Capt. R. Boyle, Lord Stanley, Rt. Hn.E.G.13oyle, Hon. J. Stanley, J. Brabazon, Vis. Stephenson, II. F. Drown, J. Stewart, P. M. Browne, D. Strickland, G. Drownlow, C. Strutt, E. Burke, Sir 3. Stuart, Lord D. Callaghan, D. Stuart, Lord P. Carew, R. S. Surry, Earl of Chapman, M. L. Talbot, C. R. M. Chichester, Sir A. Bt. Tavistock, Mare. of Clifford, Sir A. Tennyson, Rt.H n. C. French, A. Thicknesse, It. Grattan, H. Thomson, Rt. Tin. C.P.Grattan, J. Thompson,Aiderman Hill, Lord A. Throckmorton, E.G. Hill, Lord G. A. Tomes, J. hurt, Sir Vs. Bart. .Torrens, Col. it. Jephson, C. D. 0. Townley, B. G. Killeen, Lord Townshentl. Lord C. King, Hon. R. Tracy, C. II. Knox, Hon. Col. J. J. Troubridge,Sir E.Bt. Lamb, Hon. G. Tufton, Hon. H. Lambert, II. Tynte, C. K. K. Lambert, J. S. Tyrrell, C. Leader, N. P. Uxbridge, Earl of Macnamara, NV. Venabh3s, Aid. NV. Mullins, F.

Vernon, Hon. 0.3. Musgrave, Sir R. Bt.

'Vernon, G. II. O'COnnell, M.

Vere, J. J. H. O'Conor, Don Villiers, 'I'. II. O'Farrell, M. Vincent, Sir F. Bart. Ossorv, Earl of Waithman, Aid. R. Parnell, Sir II. Bt. Walrond, B. Ponsouby, Hon. G. Warburton, H. Power, R.

Wason, NV. R. Rice, Hon. T. S.

NI aterpark, Lord Ruthven, E. S. Warre, J. A. Shell, R. L. Webb, Col. E. Villiers, S. H.

Wellesley, Hon.W.T. Villiers, F.

Western, C. C. Walker, C. A. Weyland, Maj. R. Wallace, T. Whitbread, W. H. Westenra, Hon. H.

Wilbraham, G. White, Cot H.

Wilde, T. White, S.

Wilks, 3. Wyse, T.

Williams, Sir J. Bt. Teller. Williams, J. Duneannon, Fir.

Seventeen Pairs in favour of .13.

Anson Sir 0. • Doyle, Sir J. M.

Baillie, J. C. Forster, J.

-Burrell, Sir C. Franco, Sir R.

Clive, E.-S. • Godson, IL - Coke, T. W. Guise, Sir B. W. Gurney, H. Gurney, IL H. Handley. W. F. Harcourt, G. V. Harvey, D. W. Hawkins. 3. H. Ileatheote, G. J. Heneage, G. F. Heron, Sir R. Heywood, B. Hobhouse, Sir J. C. Hodges, T. L. Hodgson, J. Horne, Sir W. Hoskins, K. Howard, Hon, W. Howard, H. Howard, P. H. Howick, Vis. Hudson, T. Hughes, Col. Hughes, Alderman Hume, 3.

Hunt, II.

Iugilby. Sir W.A. Bt. James, W. Jerniugham, Hn. H. Johnstone,SirJ.B.Bt. Jones, J.

Kemp, T. R. King, E. B. Knight, H. G. Knight. .R. Labouchere, H. Langston, J. H. Langton, Col. G. Lawley, F.

Lee. J. L. II. Lefevre, C. S. Leigh, T. C. Leonard, T. B. Lennox, Lord A. Lennox, Lord G.

Cradock, Col. Lennox, Lord W.

Ciamptou. P. C. Lester, B. L. Creevey, T. Littleton, E. J. Ctuilille, 0. Lumley, J. S. Currie, J. Lushington. Dr. S. Curl eis II B. Maberley, Col. W. L.

Davies, Col. T.H. H. Macauley, T. B. • Denison, W. J. Macdonald, Sir 3. Bt Denman Sir T Mackiutosh Sir 3.

Dancombe, T. S. Mangles, J.

Dunilas, Sir R. L. Marjoribauks, S. Dundas, Hon. 3.0. Marshall, W.

Dundas, Hon. 'I'. Mayhew, NV, Easthope, 3. Milbank, M. Ebriugtou, Vis. Mildmav, P. St. J.

Ellice. E. Ellis, W. Milton, Lord

Moreton, Hon. II.

Elwell, R. jun. Morpeth, Vis. Evans, W. Morrison, J.

Evans, W. 11. Mostyn, E. M. L. Ewart, NV. Newark, Fit.

Fazakerley, 3. N. Noel, Sir G. Bart.

Fellowes, H. A. NV. Nowell, A. Ferguson. Gen. Sir R. Nugent, Lord Foley, Hon. T. II. Ord, W.

Foley, J. II. II. Owen, Sir J. Bart. Folkes, Sir W. Bart. Owen, H. 0.

Fox, Lieut.-Col. Paget, Sir C. Gisborue, T. Paget, T. Glynne, Sir S. Palmer, General Gordon, R. Palmer, C. F.

Graham, Rt, Hon. SirPalmerston, Vis.

J. Bart. Pelham, Hon. C. A. Graham, Sir S. Bt. Pendarves, E. w. W. Grant, Rt. Hon. R. Penleaze, J. S.

• Greene, T. 0. • Penrhyn, E. Grosvenor, Rt. Hon.Pepys. C. C. • Lord 11: Petit, L. H.


Althorp, Vise. Anson, Hon. G. Astley, Sir J. D. Atherley, A. Bainbridge, E. T. Barham, J. Baring, Sir T. Daring, F. T. Barnett, C. J. Dayntun, S. A. Beanniont, T, W. Benett, 3.

Berkeley, Capt. Biddulph, It. M. Blake, Sir F. Bart. Blamire, W. Blount, E. Blunt, Sir C. Bart. Bouverie, Hon. D. Bouverie, Hon. P. P. Briscoe, J. L Brougham. J. Brougham, W. Buller, 4. W. Bulwer,'E. E. L. Danbury, Sir 11. E. Buxton, T. F. Dyne, Sir J. Brig, G.

Dyne, G. S. Calcraft, G. H. Calley, T. Calvert, C. Calvert, N. Campbell, J. Carter, J. 11. Cavendish, Lord Cavendish, Hon. C. Cavendish, Iln. Col. Chaytor, W. rt. C. Chichester, 3. P. B. Cockerel], Sir C. Bt. Petre, Hon. E. Phillips, Sir R. B. Phillipps, C. M. Phillips, G. R. Ponsonby, Hon. G. Portman, E. B. Poyntz. NV. S. Price, Sir It. Bart. Ramsbottom, J. Ramsden, J. C. Rickford, W. Rider T.

finisters in Metropolitan Clause.

Jeffrey. Rt. Hon. F. Smith, M. T.

Newport, Sir J. Stanley, Lord O'Grady, Hon. Cot Thompson, P. B.

Payne, Sir P. Whitmore, W. MINORITY.

?errand, R. Miller,' W.. H. Wynn, C. W. G. INOLAND. Fitzgerald. Sir A. . Monnt W. Yorke,-Capt: C.P.

A'Court. Capt. E. B. Fitzroy, Hon. H. Neeld, J.

Alexander, J. Foley, E. T. Nugent Sir G. it. 'SCOTLAND.

Alexander, J. Du Pre Forbes. J. Peach, N. W. ArbUthnot' ,Iin.Gen.11.

Apsley, Lord Fremantle, Sir T. Bt. Peel, Rt. Hon.Sir IL Bruce, C.C. L. Blair, W. Antrobus. G. C. Forester, fin. G. C.W. Pearse, J.

Ashley, Hon. H. Freshfield, J. W. • Peel. Col: J. Cumming., Sir M".. Bt. Ashley, Hon. J. Gordon, .1. A. Peel. W. Y... Dalrymple, Sir A. Astell, W. Goulburn, Rt. Ho. H. Pelham, J. C. Davidson. D. Atkins, 3.- ' Graham: Marquis ' Pemberton, T.: Douglas, W. It. K. Attwood. M. Grant, Gen. Sir C. Phipps, Hon. Gen. E. Dunces, R. A. - Baldwin, C. B. Grimstou, Vis. Pigott, G.- G. W. . Gordon, Ho. Capt.W. Banker, G. Hardinge. RC Hon. Poilington. Vise Graham, Lord M. W. Banker, W. J. Sir II. • • Pollock, F. Grant, Hon. Col.F.W. Baring, A. Herbert,Hn. E. C. H.Porchester. Lord . Lindsay. Col. J. . Baring, H. B. Herries. Rt. fin. J. C. Praed, W. M. Maitland, Hon. C. A. Bastard, Capt. J. Hill, Sir 11. Bart. Price, R. Murray, Rt. flu. Sir G.

BeckettItt. Mt Sire/. Hodgson, F. Pringle, Sir W. H. Pringle. A.

Beresford, Col. H. Holdsworth, A. H. Roberts, W. A. Ramsay. W'. Best. Hon. W. S. Holmes, W. Rogers, E. Scott, H. F. Bolden., F. G. Holmestlale, Vis. Rose, Rt. Hon. Sir G.


Bradshaw. Capt. J. Hope, H. T. Bose, Capt. P. Breeden. J. Hope, J. T. - Ryder, Hon. G. D. Archdall, Gen. M. Brudenell, Lord Hotham, Lord Sadler, M. T. liatesob, Sir R. Bt. Burge, W. Houldsworth, T. Scarlett, Sir J. Blaney, How. Capt.C. Banat d G. Howard. Hon. Col. Scott, Sir S. Bart. .Brydges, Sir .7.. .

,Buxton. J. J. Inglis. Sir R. H. Severn,I. C. Castlereagh, Vie.

Capel, J. Irving. J. Seymour, H. B. Clements. Cob J. M. Chandos, Mar. Jerrnyn, Earl Sibthorp,Col. C. D.W. Cole, Lord Chohnondeley. Ld.G. Jolliffe, Sir W. G. IL Somerset, Lord G. Cole, Hon. A. Clinton, C. I.E. Jolliffe, Col. 11. Stewart, C. Conolly, Col. Clive, Vis. Kearsley, J. H. Stormont. Vis. Cooper, E. J.

Clive, Ilon, R. 11. Kemmis, T. A. St. Paul, Sir H. D. Bt. Coote, E.

Cockburn, Rt. lion. Kenyon, Hon. L. Sugden, Sir E. B. Corry, Hon. H. L. Sir 0. Kernsou, Sir E. Taylor, G. W. Ferguson. Sir It. Bt. Constable, Sir C. Bt. Kilderbee, S. H. Thynne, Lord H. F. Ferrand, AV. Cooke, Sir H. Knight, J. L. Thynne, Lord J. Gordon, J. E. Courtenny. Rt. Hon. Lascelles, Hon. W. Townshend, fin. Cob Hayes, Sir E. T. P. Lewis. Rt. Hon. T. F. Trench, Sir F. W. I ngestrie, Vis. Croker. Rt. lin. J. W. Loughborough, Lord Trevor, Hon. A. Jones, T. Cast, Hon. Col. E. Lovame, Lord Tulin°, E. R. Knox. Hon. J. IL Cast. Hon. Capt. P. Lowther, Vis. fire, M. Lefroy, A.

Dawkins, J. Lowther, Col. II. Vaughan. J. E. Lefroy, Dr. T.

Dawson, Rt. lIn.G.R. Lowther, J. H. Villiers, Vis. Meynell, Capt. H. Dick, Q. Luttrell. J. F. Vyvyan, Sir It. Perceval, Col. Domville, Sir C. Bt. Lyon, W.Wall, C. B. Posey. P. Douro, Mar. of Mackillop, J. Walsh, Sir J. Rae. Sir W. Bt.

Drake, Col. W. T. Mackinnon, W. A. Welby, G. E. Rochfort, Cu!. G.

Dugdale, W. S. Mahon, Vis. Wetherell, Sir C. Stewart, Sir II. East, JAI. Maitland, Vis. Williams, R. Tullamore, Lord Eastnot Via. Malcolm. Sir J. Wood. Col. Weyland, S.

Eliot, Lord Mandeville. Vis. Wortley, Hon. J. S. Wigram, W.

Encombe, Vie. Martin, Sir B. Wrangham, D. C. Wynne, J.

Estcourt, T. B. Mexborough, Earl of Wyndham, W. Teller.

Estcourt, T. H. S. B. Miles, P. S. Wynn, Sir W. W. Clerk, Sir 0. Face, Hon. H. S. Miles, W. Wynn, Rt. Hon. C. Members who generally rote fir Reform, but who voted against Ministers on the Clause ' fur giving .Members to the Metropolitan Districts.

Adeane, 11. 5. Colborne, N. W. R. Johnstone. J. J. II, Sandon, Vis.

.Agnew, Sir A. Cnpps,.J. Lemon, Sir C. Staunton. Sir G. T. Bentinck, Lord G. Denison, J. E. Marryat, J. Watson, Hon. R. Muck, L. W. Dixon, J. Mills, J. Willoughby, Sir II. Bulkeley. Sir it. W. Grosvenor, Earl North, F. Burton, II. liaise, J. Polhill, Capt. F.



Buliver, H. L Coventry. Loth, 3 Hythe. Burdett, Sir? Westminster. Maberley, .1 - Abingdon.*

Canning. Sir S Stockbridge.* Norton. C. F Guilford.

Currie, I Hertford. Nowell, A Westmoreland.

Dundas, C Berkshire. Powell, Cob Cardigan Co.

Evans, Col. De L...Rye.-1- Pryee, P Cardigan. Fitzroy, Lieut.-Col.. Bury. Russell, W Durham Co. Fordwich, Lord Canterbury. Slaney, R. A lirewsbury. Glv nue, Sir II Flint. Smith, H. T Midhurst. Heathcote, Sir G.... II utlandshire. Smith, It Wycombe. Lloyd, Sir E. P Flintshirc.


Dines, Sir II Sutherlandshire. Kennedy, F. F Ayrshire.


Belfast, Earl of Antrim Co. Knox J Newry. Bernard T King's Co. O'Connell, D Kerry Co.

Copeland, Aid Coleraine. O'Neil, General Antrim Co.

Fitzgibbon, R Limerick Co. Oxmantown. Lord .. King's Co.

Howard, It Wicklow Co. Russell, Kinsale ....Kinsale. Hutchinson, 3. H Tipperary Co. Somerville, Sir Al —Meath. * Sir Stratford Canning is abroad. Mr. Maberley's cause of absence we need no .state. 1- Cob Eva ns was unwell.