3 MARCH 1860, Page 10


Bankruptcy Annulled.—Tuouks GLENNIE, Harley Street, Cavendish Square, boarding-house-keeper. Bankrupts.—D trin CARY, Leadenhall Street, merchant—Emma N EWSTEAD, Bed- ford Street, Bedford Row, victualler—W=1.1ex Muus..-rr, Brookland, near Romney, Kent, grocer—Joint MINION, junior, New Bond Street, manufacturer of materials for wax Rowers—Jon:en Auasox CRANE, King Street, Chcapside, merchant—Jures LANE, Threadneedle Street, mining-share-broker—Joint SLATER, Small Heath, near Birmingham, butcher-110.ml. CLEKERSON, Loughborough, Leicestershire, iron- monger—Tnoxas CLARK, Bradford, Yorkshire, rag-merchant—Jonx HERD, Liver- pool, corn-merchant—Jo:es-max Buimear.a., Manchester, dyer—Jonx Honours, Shields, draper. Scotch Seyttestrations.—Jkanta LAO, Edinburgh, horse-dealer—Rolioar Sanaa, Edinburgh, malts-ter—WILLI...al Atusox, Bishopton, Renfrewshire, joiner—Au:a- sylum STEWAP.T, Tarland, Aberdeenshire, carpenter—Geoiroo HART, Glasgow, anctioueer—Roneur WALKER, Hamilton, inn-keeper—Joexra 'frairstax, Glasgow, fruiterer.

PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 2. Bankrupts.—JonN Mnrroax (not Minton, as previously advertised), junior, New Bond Street, manufacturer of materials for wax flowers—Joine LOWE. CheliCUEIFUR, printer—Jaxim BERGER, Great Tower Street, City, broker—Lures BLACIENORE, Wellington, Somersetshire,builder—Jonx Gases BEDELLS, Brewood, Staffordshire, chemist—Au-mamma JACOBSON, Tysoe Street, Clerkenwell, dealer in watches — THOMAS Horoaro, Bradford, grocer—Groans Cianx, Ashford, Kent, builder- JOaorn CHATWLY, Birmingham, gas-fitter—He/my FE1DLINGTON Kamp and \VIt- tram BRET, Louth, distiders—V6 musai CLARKE Gut, Manchester, scrivener— H ENET HOEES, Woburn, Buckinghamshire, brewer.