3 MARCH 1860, Page 9



The variations in the Consol Market during the last week have been, though unimportant, somewhat numerous. Consols, which on Saturday

last closed 95f, on Monday were quoted as low as 941 1, remaining steady during Tuesday ; on Wednesday, they rallied to 94f, at which value they remained till this (Friday) morning. The fluctuations have today been somewhat large, the opening price being 941 f, from which a rapid fall occurred to 941 sellers; a reaction has oecured to 94.

The continual drain of gold from the Bank of England, and the speech of the French Emperor with regard to the annexation of Savoy, have con-

tributed to effect a fall which, to a certain extent, has been helped by small money sales. The discount market has been easy till yesterday, when a slight demand sprang up.

The Indian Market has participated in the fluctuations of Consols. The chief feature in the Foreign Market has been a fall in Mexican ; they are now quoted 21/ 2 Peruvian Four-and-a-half, 93 4 ex div. • Ditto

Three per Cents, 72 3; Uribarren, 81 3; Dollar Bonds, 80 2; 'Buenos Ayres, 82 84; Ditto Three per Cents, 22 23; Chilian Six per Cents, 103; Ditto Four-and-half per Cents, 86 8 • Sardinian, 85 86; Victor Emmanuel, 92 93; Russian, 971 98k; Spanish Ifhree per Cents, 44f 5; Portuguese, 44j; Turkish Six per Cents Old, 79 80 ; Ditto New, 62f 62.

The Share Market at the beginning of the week exhibited strong signs of vigour an improvement has been established in most of the leading lines, which has not, however, been maintained to the close; a considerable rise has taken place during the week in all classes of Marine Insurance Shares. Midland, losi 109k; Great Western 681 ; London and North-Western,

971 971 ; London and South-Western, 91f 92; Lancaster and York, 98f 94; Caledonian, 94 93k; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1101 Illf ; London and Dover, 891 891; Great Northern, 108 109; Manchester and Sheffield, 41 41f ; North Staffordshire, 14 141. In Foreign Railway Shares the prices are as under, and in consequence of the dissatisfaction felt as to the state of Italy leave off dull—Lombardo- Venetian, 11 11; Northern of France, 361 1; Paris and Lyons, 34 35j; Paris and Strasbourg, 25 251. The Indian Market leaves off steady, being prevented from fall by con- tinued investments of a moderate character—East Indian, 10111; Great Indian Peninsular, 99 9n ; Bombay and Baroda, 9617.