3 MARCH 1883, Page 2

As the Committee of Selection are to have the power

of nominating the Grand Committees, it was naturally felt that it should be reinforced from below the gangway on both sides of the House, and not left to the somewhat too official body of which it has hitherto consisted. Mr. Dillwyn, on Tuesday, moved the addition to its numbers of two members, who are to be Mr. Dlingworth, to represent the independent. Liberals, and Sir H. Wolff, to represent the independent Conservatives, and the addition was carried by a great majority (213 to 54). A very hot debate arose on the pro. posal to nominate Mr; Mitchell Henry, as the representative of Irish interests on the Committee of Selection, the Parnellites repudiating him very warmly as a true representative of Ireland ; but Mr. Newdegate aptly observed that Mr. Parnell had stated, only a few nights previously, that he would not be guided in his conduct by any reference to the opinions of that House. Now, it would never do to have on the Committee of Selection a man who would not be guided in his conduct by any reference to the opinions of that House, and hence it seemed desirable to take an Irish Member who would be so guided. This very sensible remark recommended itself to the House, and Mr. Mitchell Henry's name was carried by 157 votes against 22.