3 MARCH 1894, Page 1

The German Reichstag will probably accept the Com- mercial Treaty

with Russia after another determined. speech from Count Caprivi, delivered on Tuesday, in which he reaffirmed that the treaty, of which the Emperor was the architect," was politically indispensable. If it was rejected, the wires which connected Germany with Russia would be cut, and Panslavism would triumph, while if the, treaty was passed the Empires might yet join hands to resist "the enemies of civilisation," by whom, we imagine, the Chancellor intended Anarchists and Socialists. The treaty is strongly supported by the Liberal Members, and the leader of the Centre has agreed to vote for it and leave his party free to do the same, if railway rates on goods between the Eastern and Western provinces are seriously lowered. The Agrarians are still wild with irritation and alarm, but the weight of the Imperial authority and the dread of an -immediate Dissolution, in which their party might be crashed—all official favour being withdrawn—will prove too much for them.