3 MARCH 1928, Page 49

THE FRENCH RIVIERA. By A. R. Bonus. (Methuen. 6s.)-Visitors to

the Riviera may be seeking just such a handy little guide as this if, in spite of the motor car, they keep the use of their legs, for it is intended for walkers. Mr. Bonus has no use for the smart resorts, casinos or pave- ments, hardly any for a metalled road. He loves the hill* and the maquis, and we agree with his preference for Var with its Esterel and Maures mountains over the Alpes Mari- times as a walker's paradise. He sketches the history and botany lightly, not, as an expert, but he has read the right books on both. He gives a kind of gazetteer of towns and villages which is rather too superficial, and the rest of the book describes scores of walks, and should be very useful to those who do not venture to explore quite independently. There are no maps or plans of these, but an adequate map of the whole district, and sonic photographs.