3 MARCH 1950, Page 18

M. Siegfried's Switzerland

SIR,—Mr. Maurice Cranston, in his review of Andre Siegfried's Switzer- land, refers to "internal evidence" which suggested to him that our edition of the book has been translated first from French into American, and secondly from American into English. He goes on to say that "such Atlantic voyages have delayed the British publication." Mr. Cranston's deductions are very wide of the mark. As he could have read on the title page and upon the wrapper of our edition, it was in fact translated directly from the French ; and no American edition is yet available, since we are supplying sheets to the American publishers. As a point of interest, we have also supplied bound copies of our edition to the Swiss publishers, who wished to have In English translation to distribute in Switzerland. Lastly, the British publication was not unduly delayed, whether by Atlantic voyages or any other circumstances. The Swiss edition was published about eighteen months ago, and since then our own translation has had to be made, maps and charts prepared, and the edition put through the press.—Yours faithfully, MICHAEL HOWARD, 30 Bedford Square, W.C.I. Director, Jonathan Cape Ltd.