3 MARCH 1961, Page 15

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The English Bar Lord Ogmore

Press Council P. M. T. Sheldon-Williams, S. W. Somerfield

Lady Chatlerley F. R. Leavis, Sir Richard Rees Take a Girl Like You Robert Conquest South Africa G. E. Lee Mischief or Contempt P. F. Carter-Ruck The Protection Racket Bamber Gascoigne Livy M. I. Finley In Hospital with my Son Peggy lay The Romantic Miss Riefenstahl B. A. Young Heal Thyself Dr. 1. McD. G. Stewart


SIR,-1 have read with interest the article by Mr. R. A. Cline in last week's issue of the Spectator. The author whilst setting out the problems of the English Bar does not mention the obvious solution. The present system of two separate legal professions is a cumbersome and expensive anachronism. The solution, in my view, lies in having one legal profession with one system of training and one system of examinations. After a period of experience in the 'general practitioner' branch as a member of the Law Society the lawyer who wished to 'specialise' as an advocate or otherwise would then be eligible for call, without a further examination, by one of the Inns of Court. Conversely if a 'specialist' wished to become once more a 'general practitioner' he would be eligible, without a further examination, for readmission as a member of the Law Society. I believe that the legal professions have been re- miss in not agreeing upon such a reform years ago, a failure on their part which has also had serious repercussions on overseas students as is shown by the report on Legal Education for Students from Africa (Command I255).—Yours faithfully,

OGMORE House of Lords. SW I