3 MAY 1834, Page 8

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31r. Montgomery Martin, who had offered himself as a candidate for the representation of Wells, vacant by the death of Mr. Lamont, has retired, to make way for Mr. Ridley Colburne.

At Oxford, on Tuesday, in very full Convocation, it was agreed to affix the University seal to petitions to both Houses of Parliament against the bill for the admission of Dissenters to the Universities.

A public meeting is to he held on Monday next, at Manchester, in Granby Row Fields, to take into consideration the critical situation in which the executive powers have placed the Trades Unions and Associ- tions, and to devise means of successfully protecting themselves. The announcement of this meeting has caused great alarm among the "authorities," and for some days past the military have been arriving in Manchester.—Trite Sun.

The Newmarket First Spring Meeting has been held this week. At the beginning, the attendance was thinned by the muster of Parlia- mentary men in London for the Repeal division. The races have not generally been particularly good ; but on Thursday the King's plate was well contested, between Mr. Biggs's Little Red Rover and Colonel Peel's Ernest : the Duke of Rutland's Hawker also started, but ap- pers to have had no chance of winning. The following is an account of the running, and bets.

" The odds fluctuated from even on Little Red Rover to 5 to 4 against hint : and left off 6 to 5 against Ernest. alter having been as high as C to 4. There were plenty of offers of G to l against the Duke of It Miami's horse, but no takers. Little Red Rover, notwithstanding great weight and distance, made good four-mile running. Ernest wait. big on him till they got to the middle of the New 'I'. V. C., where he headed hint, and ran in front down the plantations to the bottom; Little Red Rover challenged him on reaching the bill, beat him in :1 severe struggle up it, and won cleverly by two lengths. Hawker's jockey was enabled to give an accurate description of the race front beginning to end."

The race for the Thousand Guinea Stakes, on Thursday, was also a good one. It was won by Lord Berners's filly by Lamplighter, beat- ing. Mr. Walker's Velocity, and several others. The winner is a pro- mising filly, and is half sister to Sir Mark 1Vood's famous mare, Cama- rine.

The parishioners of St. Mary, Carlisle, have refused to vote a Church- rate for the ensuing year, by a majority of 438 to 101, notwithstanding the great exertions of the Church party and the Cathedral divines.

The inhabitants of Liverpool, at a public meeting held on the 231 instant, agreed to petition Parliament for the repeal of the stamp-duty on receipts.

The journeymen tailors of Bristol, Lewes, and Barnstaple, have struck for higher wages.