3 MAY 1851, Page 20


The noble collection of casts by Flaxman-groups of figures, statues, and relievi-presented to University College by his sister-in-law and executrix, Miss Denman, has been open to visitors in the two past weeks. Such of the works as have yet been restored are placed in the hall under the dome next the library ; and on the adjacent staircase several others, including the statuettes of Raphael and Michelangelo, masterpieces of the great sculptors, a pastoral Apollo of exquisite grace and freedom, groups and figures belonging to the series commemorative of Sir William Jones's labours, await the required increase of the fund set on foot for their cleaning and affixing. The hall is octagonal, and lighted by five windows ; allowing a satis- factory view of the works, except of those on the North-east wall. In the centre is the Archangel Michael overcoming Satan ; the rest of the works, which are in relief, being disposed in niches round the room. Among these are several monumental compositions, some of those from the Lord's Prayer, Pandora brought to Earth by Mercury ; and on the stairs, the Hercules and Hobe, designed in restoration of the torso of the Vatican. Those who would study Christian sculpture will find it here in its highest development-of lovely yet severe grace, of nature and simplicity, of elevation, and of holiness. Detailed criticism will be deemed superfluous ; but we may refer espe-

cially to the sacred beauty of the angel in the monument to Mrs. Merrick Hoare, to the gland strength and nature of the Brahmin and Mussulman Indians, to the alto-relief of " Beatitude " for the ecstatic wonder and adoration of the saved soul in the prospect of glory, and to the beautiful tenderness of sentiment in those named "Family Affection" and " Ma- ternal Affection."

The whole number of works, fixed and unfixed, is about one hundred and forty.