3 MAY 1919, Page 3

The Porter in Macbeth remarked that his place was "

too cold for hell " ; and even elderly maiden ladles, emboldened by the laxity in language learnt in war time, must be inclined to- echo his words at the close of a bitter April, the sixth month of the winter of 1918.19. There is a cumulative exasperation In Arctic weather cut of season, when it never " lets up," as America says, for more than one day--such a day as Friday week, when life was worth living for seven or eight sunny hours. Then forty-eight hours later most of the country was under some inches of snow. One is reminded of the Scots clergyman who in prayer thus expostulated with the Deity—" 0 Loard, the weather of the past week, as is well known unto Thee, has been juist fair redeeelous a'thegither."