3 MAY 1930, Page 21

The first number of a new Monthly - niagaiine,." an - illus.

• trated review of Modern life and literature,"it to be Published this week, under the title of The Magazine of Today (9 Palace

Gate, W. 8. Price is.). The Editor,- Mr. Harold Herd, tells us that " it will chronicle the work of-the thinkers, the leaders, the pioneers and the discoverers who vitalize Our national life. It will give a digest and interpretation of the significant ten- dencies of the times, and keep the reader in touch with the outstanding books of the day." We arc also told 'that "no party politics will be found in its pages,". and, judging from this first number, this difficult principle has been adhered to.

J. W. Robertson Scott writes a broad-minded survey of the agricultural situation, under the title, " What the Country- man Wants ". ; Prebendary dough, Dr. F. W. Norwood and Father Woodlock, S.J. (representing the Church of England, the Free Churches and the Roman Catholic Church, respec- tively), contribute_ articles On the future of religion in this country ; Mr. Clough " The City of the Future," and Mr. Merton Rhodes' "The Re-Making of London," are complementary to one another.' The Magazine of To-day in- cludes some forty articles and regular features,' and this Wide range covers a variety of subjects. Its format is not particu- larly attractive, but the type is comfortably large. We wish, Mr. Herd every success with his new magazine, which has undoubtedly set for itself high ideals.

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