3 MAY 1946, Page 25

THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 373 111111111111111111MINWIN_:': . :::1111N111111




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0 ACROSS I. Remove the whiskers, but said something first. (to.) 6. Most of the rough and tumble comes to the surface. (4.)

9. One of the burns of Burns. (5, 5.) to. This is not to imply that one gets water instead of petrol. (4.).

12. Progenitors. (5.) 13. The inheritor appears in the textile industry. (9.) 14. " This scepter'd -, This earth of majesty." (Shakespeare.) (4.) 16. A really difficult puzzle leads to neuralgia. (9.) 19. Longfellow issued a warning about an awful one. (9.) 22. A wage: gone Greek. (4.) 25. What do they do on Fridays? (9.) 26. He fixes the rate for others in pedes- trian fashion. (5.) 28. " I wasted - and now cloth waste me." (Shakespeare.) (4.) 29. It takes a good queen to move a country out of Asia. (to.) 3o. Grandee unhorsed. (4.) 31. A letter that goes the rounds, so to speak. (10.) DOWN

r. Family of impressionists and what they wear. (8.) 2. Abstained in a short over. (5.)

3. Pledge. (6.) 4. To warm the bird wont make it believe. (7.) 5. It is opposed to backing. (7.) 7. Reptilian aspect of a girls' school. (9.) 8. Injuriously meddle with a fiery saint. (6.)

II. The voice from the fold. (S.) is. He seems to have been a guest at

one of these City dinners. (9.) x7. There should be no difficulty in find- ing a flat here. (5.) is. Living up to its name it would solve the packing problem. (8.) 20. Tearful. (7.) 21. Gossip suitable for the telephone.

(7.) 23. Bird which might easily be trained to push a barrow. (6.) 24. Rising roundabout. (6.) 27. Like a cub? (5.)