3 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 20

1. Moons Life of Byron, reprinted by Mr. M URRAY, in

a handsome volume corresponding in all points with his single. volume edition of the Poems. The illustrations are a vignette of Newsteacl Abbey. and six portraits of BYRON in a frame, taken at various periods of his life. 2. Time passes. Here is already the Eighth Volume of Gib- bon's Roman Empire by Milman, with a map of the environs of Rome. The literature of the volume is chiefly devoted to the comprehensive account of Roman jurisprudence, to which the digest of JUSTINIAN gives rise, and to the theological history of the Incarnation, and a sketch of the different sects into which Christianity split.

3. The Sixth Part of Mr. Tstr's complete edition of the IVorlts of Jeremy Bentham. it contains the completion of" Official Apti- tude Maximized : Expense Minimized ;" his works on Real Pro- perty; and "Lord Brougham Displayed."

9. The mind is actually dazzled by the extent and numbers of modern fiction. Mr. BENTLEY'S Standard Novels has reached the Seventy-first Number, each containing one eompleto work, and some two or three. hy, the records of all nations and all previous time, couA Lot compete with the books of one bibliopole and the productions of the authors of the present century with whom he has had dealings—at least as far as quantity is concerned. The present number contains Miss EDGEWORTH'S Helen.

5. Stimulated by the success of his Standard Novels, Mr. BENTLEY has commenced another serial, on a kindred plan, to be

called "Bentley's Standard Library of Popular Modern Litera-

ture." It is to be published in a similar style, and at the same price as the Novels; and is to embrace books of" rare entertain-

ment in the departments of Historical Memoirs, popular Bio- graphy, Voyages and Travels, and works of a miscellaneous cha- racter. all of which have been stamped by public approbation."

The First Number commences with Wild Sports of the West, illustrated by fifteen engravings; amongst which the wood-cuts are spirited, but as regards the plates, Mr. BENTLEY had better improve his designs or omit them in future.