3 NOVEMBER 1866, Page 3

A terrible catastrophe is reported - from New York.. The Even-

ing Star, a badly found steamship, left New York for New -Orleans loaded . with a hundred or so of ordinary passengers, an opera., troupe of about fifty, aud „ninety-three prostitutes and brothel-keepers, on their way to winter in the South. On the 29th of September-they encountered very bad weather, which con- tinued until the 3rd. of October; when the captain announced that there was no further hope. Then. Byron's description of a wreck was realized. Many of the unhappy women showed courage, working ae-steadily as men, but others broke into the wine stores, and kept up with a few men ea. abaadoned as. themselves a last mad orgie. Others rushed on deck and,sprang over the side shrieking, seeking ,the :quickest death, and others crowded into the boats. Of these,only two beats stievived, the rest being capsized by the waves, or shattered against the sides of the sinking ship. One made for the. coast of IFlbrida, and was picked up by an English ship. The passengers were almost with- out clothes, had no food, and were racked with thirst till two of them died, and two more, swallowing the sea water, became deli- rious and jumped overboard. The other,iwith' a boat4oad of- women and the second mate, reached the:coast of Florida, but all the women except two were dead of thirst /and exposure, and they were naked and insane from want. Dantecoahl latedly have devised a scene more horrible than the sinking of ,thotship, full of women drunk, shrieking, and insane with,fear- antilleenkoontinned excitement.