3 NOVEMBER 1888, Page 2

The Empire still extends. The Government has by pro , - clamation

assumed a protectorate over Sarawak, the Brunei Sultanate, and the territories of the North Borneo Company —that is, over the whole Northern half of Borneo, from the sea down to the indefinite line at which the Dutch territory begins. The new area added is not great, but the Government becomes responsible to all foreign Powers for Brunei and Sarawak. It is stated that the resources of the island are being rapidly developed, both in minerals and agriculture, and that it will shortly be a rich possession. In particular, the traders have discovered a tobacco which only reaches perfection in Borneo, and which is to other tobacco what a good Havana is to a Pickwick. So enormously profitable is this cultivation, that speculators are swarming in, and the surveyors can hardly map out grants fast enough for their impatience. North Borneo will in thirty years be as Bengal. We can occupy, civilise, and enrich the ends of the earth ; but in County Clare we can do nothing. Is the failure with us, or the people, or Providence P