3 NOVEMBER 1894, Page 10

No Heroes. By Blanche Willis Howard. (Gay and Bird.)— Bob,

eldest son of a country doctor in a small New England town, has dreams of heroic adventure which seem little likely to be translated into actual fact. Suddenly his chance seems to come. He is to go on a tour to the West Indies as companion to an invalid lad. Here at least, he thinks to himself, are possibilities of romance. And then all comes to an end. His father wants a nurse for a cross-grained old man who has caught smallpox, and Bob sees his duty, and volunteers for the office. How he fulfils it, and what comes of it in the end, the reader may profitably discover for himself. We may say, however, that he does not take the infection and die, or lose his eyesight. • Such would be the ending that would commend itself to the writers who now under- take to please or instruct us with fiction.