3 NOVEMBER 1894, Page 19

Mr. Griffith Boscawen does good service by calling attention in

Wednesday's Times to a speech on the Navy, made by Mr. Thomas Ellis, the chief Gladstonian Whip, at Atherton, on October 22nd, After accusing the Duke of Westminster and other rich people of opposing the Budget in order to escape having to pay for the increase of the Navy, he is reported to have said :—" Suppose London was at the mercy of the enemy. A miner in Atherton would not be ruined ; he would have the same property as before,—his hands and the energy of his body. But it would be far otherwise with the Duke of Westminster. His sixteen millions would very soon dwindle down to one or two millions." To teach the working men of this country that they are not concerned in the work of national protec- tion, is criminal folly. There is no other word for it.