3 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 27



Sit,—In view of the fact that wherever one travels nowadays throughout the world there are thousands of men who regard the Army Young Men's Christian Association as the greatest boon to them, spiritually, mentally, and physically, may I offer the fol- lowing suggestion P In our preparations for peace, one of our chief objects must be to preserve for Great Britain the best of the institutions which have proved their value in war. Would it not be possible to continue permanently all the Y.M.C.A. War Huts, and add to them in every large parish and village throughout Britain ? They would be run on the same lines precisely as during war time, and could not fail to be very Intent counter-attractions to the " pubs." I believe that many readers of the Spectator would be willing to start a crusade for Clubs versus "Pubs." Each Y.M.C.A. (and Church Army) Hut could easily become the local men's club, and could cater for the middle-aged and old as well as the young. And would it not be an excellent opportunity for continuous inter-church cooperation if each "club " had a jcInt committee of every clergyman and leading layman in the locality, be he Presbyterian, Baptist, Roman, Episcopalian, or

English Club, Zanzibar.

Indian Army Y.M.C.A.. Exped. Form B.