3 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 27


(To me EDITOR or rue "Setornos."1 Six,—Seeing a correspondent in the Spectator wishes for recipes for potato sweets, I enclose two excellent ones.-1 am, Sir, Rc., POTATO PUDDITIO.-11b. potatoes steamed in their jackets and sieved, flb..of butter, 2oz. moist sugar, juice and rind of a lemon, 2 eggs well beaten; mix thoroughly. Line a pie-dish with pastry, and bake rather more than half-an-hour.

POTATO AND APPLE PODDINC6-11b. dry floury mashed potato, 11b. of stewed sieved apple. 2oz. sugar or sugar substitute. 1 egg. 1 small lemon, foz. margarine; beat up the apple and potato smoothly together; add the warmed margarine, sugar to taste and grated rind and juice of lemon; beat the egg till very frothy, stir in lightly, turn into a greased pie-dish, and bake about half- an-hour, or till brown and puffy looking, in a moderately hot oven.