3 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 33

READABLE NOVEL8. — As . 11's are Made. By Ann Weaver (Andrew Melrose.

5s.)—A pre-war story concerning county and nouveaux riches intermarried families who live in Sussex.—The Frantic Boast. By Mrs. Victor Rickard. (Duckworth and Co. Os, net.)—The story of an unhappy marriage and its solution.— Glory Everlasting. By Mary Openehaw (Mrs. A. E. Binstead). (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. 8e.)—This book describes a middle. class family in throe phases, Book I. being concerned with the old days of 1911, Book II. with August, 1914, and Book III. with 1914 and onweads. The character-drawing is much mom careful than in most war stories.