3 NOVEMBER 1928, Page 105

A Library List

BIOGRAPHY :-The Lives of Cleopatra and Octavio. By Sarah Fielding. Edited by R. Brimley Johnson. (The Scholartis Press. 7s. 6d.)-Anastasia : The Surviv"r of Ekaterinburg ? By H. von Rathlef-Keilmann. Trans- lated by F. S. Flint. (Putnam. 21s.) Townshetzd of Chitral and Kul. By Erroll Sherson.. (Heinemann.

21s.) Heine : The Strange Guest. By Henry Baerlein.

(Geoffrey Bles. 12s. 6d.) From Day to Day, 1914- 1915. By Viscount Sandhurst. (Edward Arnold. 18s.) LITERARY :-Ilogarth Lectures.--Phrases of English Poetry.

By Herbert Read. Lyrical Poetry from-Blake to Hardy.

• By H. J. C. Grierson. The Structure of the Novel. By Edwin Muir. (Hogarth Press. 35. 6d. each.) Proust. By Clive Bell. (Hogarth Press. 5s.) Contemporary Move- ments in European Literature. Edited by William Rose and F. Isaacs. (Routledge. 12s. 6d.) Readings from British Drama. By Allardyce Nicoll. (Harrap: 10s. 6d.)

TRAVEL :-Discoveries and Adfientures in Central America : By Thomas Gann. (DuckWorth. 21s.)--- The holy Cities of Arabia. By Eldon Rutter: - 2 volumes.

(Putnam. 42s.) A Saharan Venture. By Donald Cameron. (Edward Arnold. - 1es.)' MISCELLANEOUS :-Sussex in the Past. By Viscountess NVolse- ley. (The Medici Society. 15s.) Noah's Cargo. By George Jennison: (Black. 10s. 6d.)-The Aeneid of Virgil. Translated with an Introductory Essay by Frank Richards. (Murray. 15s.) The Empire and the Army. By The Hon. Sir John Forteseue. .(Cassell. 10s. 6d.1-Handbook of Physiology. By W. D. Haiti- burton and R. J. S. McDowall. Revised Edition. (Murray. 18s.) HISTORY :-Barnard Letters, 1778-1824. Edited. by Anthony Powell. (Duckworth. 21s.) The Story of the American _Indian. By Paul Radin. (Murray. 21s.)-The Power

of the Purse. By H. James Robinson. (Murray. Os.) The People of Tibet. By Sir Charles Bell. (Oxford

University Press. 21s.) Chinese Political Thought. By Elbert Duncan Thomas. (William and Norgate. 18s.) -The Czechoslovak Nation's- Struggle for Independence. by Jaroslav Papousek.. (The " Orbis Publishing_ Co., Prague." ls. 2d.)-The Collapse of the Austro:Hungary Monarchy and the Rise of the Czechoslovak State. By Jan Opocensky. (The " Orbis " Publishing Co. Prague.

2s. 8d.) The British Campaigns in Europe, 1914-1918. By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (Geoffrey Bles. 10s. 6d.) Justice for Hungary : Review and Criticism of the Treaty of Trianon. (Longmans, Green.)-Germany and Europe. By Friedrich Stieve. (Kegan. Paul. 10s. 6d.) FICTION :-The Collected Works of -Nary Webb. Precious Bane. (With an Introduction by Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin. (Cape. 5s.) The New Temple. By Johan Bojer. (Hodder and Stoughton.- 7s. 6d.)Proximity. By .T. A. T. Lloyd. (Nash and Grayson. 7s. 6d.)-- The Taken Child. By George Agnew Chamberlain. (Putnam. 7s. 6d.)-What is Love ? By E. M. Dela- field. (Macmillan. 7s. 6d.) Ten Years Ago. By R. H. Mottram. (Chatto and Windus. 5s.)