3 NOVEMBER 1928, Page 106


The City has learned with much regret of the death which has occurred during the past ten days of two men well known in the banking world. Sir Lewis Michell, the oldest member of the Board of the British- South Africa Company, was up to

the.)ast 'taking 'an active part in of :the-company as resident Birector in South-Africa.- His financial abilities were great and his earlier career was spent in the. service of the Standard Bank of South Africa, of which institution he was actually General Manager from 1896 to 1902. The death, which occurred on October 26th, of Mr. W. J. K. I-legality, General Manager of the NatiOnal Bank of India, came with startling suddenness, as the day previouily he had been at his duties as usual. He collapsed as the result of a seizure on the following morning, and the news of his death east a gloom over Banking and Money Market circles, where he . was very widely esteemed. His untimely death, at the early age of fifty-five, represents a great loss not merely to his own bank but to Indian banking generally.

* * * * A. W. K.