3 NOVEMBER 1928, Page 15

For the rest, Mr. Baldwin's speech was a beautif91 discourse

on the need of keeping down the tiger instincts in human nature. The tigrine instincts in mankind used to be a theme of Meredith Townsend, Editor of the Spectator. By an odd coincidence in an article published elsewhere in this number his vivid phrase is recalled—. " Men are tigers in trousers." Only what religious preceptors call self-examination can conquer this 'fearful atavism. As Mr. Baldwin said, " You can only sac yourself and the world by a constant daily fighting against these old impulses and in time you will win; r You may feel that I ought to bid you go and wash in- the river of Syria while I am merely directing you Jo the Jordan." The Government will soon have occasion to prove their policy. The coming Reparations controversy will test its qualities at every turn. It will be the OppOr- tunity for Mr. Baldwin's " fresh start."

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