3 NOVEMBER 1944, Page 10

The general public, and those who fought in Africa and

in the earlier stages of the Italian campaign, do not realise perhaps what terrible penalties the Italian people are paying, and will have to pay, for their complicity in Mussolini's adventure. Their Empire has been torn from them ; their towns and villages have been shattered ; their prisoners are made to work in foreign lands ; their prestige and power have been destroyed. They are enduring at this moment both the penalties of a defeated nation and the ordeals of a belligerent. It is true that Italy must not again be allowed to become a military menace in the Mediterranean ; but it is not either a British or a French interest that she should be reduced to complete destitution. The policy adopted by the United Nations is a judicious blend of firmness and consideration, of restriction and latitude. We may not all of us share the missionary zeal of Major Joppolo ; but it is surely right to show the Italian people that the democracies can be both strong and just.