3 NOVEMBER 1984, Page 20


Sir: Richard West's reference (`Close-knit parasites', 1 September) to the last of the miners' knockers-up' reminded me of another similar custom which survived at least until the closure of the mid-Durham pits and possibly exists still, in those functioning today.

A person, usually a young miner under training, went under the name of 'Esta'. Esta's job was to warn those miners in critical jobs that essential work had been completed and that his services were re- quired at say 4.00 p.m. in the afternoon, not the normal shift time. The starting time was usually chalked on the front door by Esta, if no one was at home.

The origin of the name apparently was that when calling at the miner's home, the young man's cry was: 'Is Billy in?' (or whoever). 'Tell 'im 'e esta gan-to-wark at fower o'clock.'

R Newby Ullandhaugveien 72A,

Stavanger 4000, Norway